


| Revision:
  • svn:ignore: build
  • svn:mergeinfo: /branches/D1_0_6_2_BRANCH:6107-6121

# Date Author Comment
6782 12/13/2011 04:50 PM ben leinfelder

do not treat access change as an update -- it should not attempt to retrieve the contents of the object

6781 12/13/2011 04:36 PM Jing Tao

Change the ecogrid tag to 1.2.2.RC5.

6780 12/13/2011 04:18 PM ben leinfelder

only create guid->docid mapping during data replication if it does not already exist

6779 12/13/2011 03:30 PM ben leinfelder

remove xml_acccess.docid reference (oops)

6778 12/13/2011 03:15 PM ben leinfelder

test update and set access during replication from A->B

6777 12/13/2011 12:22 PM ben leinfelder

updated D1 API -- removed Permission.REPLICATE and associated parameters

6776 12/13/2011 11:51 AM ben leinfelder

a minute for replication?

6775 12/13/2011 11:34 AM ben leinfelder

process system metadata before access rules (access control is now driven by GUID so the mapping needs to be there)

6774 12/13/2011 11:06 AM Jing Tao

Change the key of query result cache. The key now has the real search value.

6773 12/13/2011 10:58 AM ben leinfelder

include SerialVersion in describe response
NOTE: d1 jars should be replaced once all schema changes are finalized and the generate d1_common code is committed to svn

6772 12/13/2011 09:17 AM ben leinfelder

comment out B->A test

6771 12/12/2011 04:33 PM ben leinfelder

use correct URLs for replication/Metacat client

6770 12/12/2011 02:57 PM ben leinfelder

simple tests for 2-way data replication

6769 12/12/2011 01:22 PM ben leinfelder

ROLLBACK: check for non-public session in Metacat before showing the registry form

6768 12/12/2011 12:41 PM ben leinfelder

check for non-public session in Metacat before showing the registry form

6767 12/12/2011 11:26 AM ben leinfelder

redirect to the registry form following successful login - but allow an override in case we only want to render the success and stay there (ajax call from main sanparks page).

6766 12/12/2011 10:50 AM ben leinfelder

include 'archived' system metadata element in backing DB store

6765 12/09/2011 04:25 PM ben leinfelder

include the logging level with configuring logger (with file appender) for replication and dataone

6764 12/09/2011 03:28 PM ben leinfelder

add ; to end of update command

6763 12/09/2011 03:11 PM ben leinfelder

add ; to end of update command

6762 12/09/2011 02:54 PM ben leinfelder

only update accessfileid for our new guid-based records

6761 12/09/2011 02:42 PM ben leinfelder

move latest postgres access upgrade statements to oracle script

6760 12/09/2011 02:35 PM ben leinfelder

include revision clause when updating the accessfileid on the xml_acccess table

6759 12/09/2011 12:12 PM ben leinfelder

remove docid column in favor of guid

6758 12/09/2011 10:20 AM ben leinfelder

include "esa" context in the data registry URL.

6757 12/09/2011 09:05 AM Chris Jones

If a member node cannot be found in the node list matching the targetNodeSubject given in isNodeAuthorized(), throw a ServiceFailure exception.

6756 12/09/2011 08:04 AM Chris Jones

Minor reformatting for readability.

6755 12/08/2011 02:06 PM ben leinfelder

fix tests:
-insert default objectFormatList from d1_common (includes schemaLocation now)
-calculate checksum for the system metadata using the ChecksumUtil in d1_common

6754 12/08/2011 01:51 PM ben leinfelder

update with latest d1_common/d1_lib (includes latest schema changes)

6753 12/08/2011 01:15 PM ben leinfelder

prepared statement toString() does not include quotes (') around the inserted values -- now the test reflects this.

6752 12/08/2011 01:12 PM ben leinfelder

only handle 100 (consecutive!) docId generations per millisecond, otherwise the generated docid part is bigger than Long.MAX_VALUE and Metacat cannot fully handle that.

6751 12/08/2011 11:27 AM ben leinfelder

Metacat now keeps track of permissions on a per-version basis -- the test reflects this change in behavior.

6750 12/08/2011 11:22 AM ben leinfelder

check previous revision when attempting to update access control with EML 2.0.x docs

6749 12/08/2011 10:17 AM ben leinfelder

remove old access rules for a data object when they are being updated by rules contained in an EML document. Now the OnlineDataAccessTest EML 2.1.0 tests pass.

6748 12/07/2011 05:31 PM ben leinfelder

construct the proper previousDocId when checking for update permission

6747 12/07/2011 05:05 PM ben leinfelder

for now, look up SystemMetadata directly from the table otherwise we won't have the latest access information. Need to refresh the in-memory copy everytime we edit the access policy via Metacat (includes EML parser)

6746 12/07/2011 05:04 PM ben leinfelder

check previous revision for permissions to update (includes data described by EML)

6745 12/07/2011 05:02 PM ben leinfelder

use correct "rev" column in xml_revisions table

6744 12/07/2011 12:18 PM ben leinfelder

refactor Metacat access handling to be on a per-revision basis so that it more closely aligns with the DataONE approach

6743 12/07/2011 12:16 PM Chris Jones

To avoid id generation conflicts happening at the same millisecond, append a 5 character random string to the end of the docid.

6742 12/07/2011 11:54 AM Jing Tao

Remove header2, footer2 and left-nav2 files.

6741 12/06/2011 04:31 PM Jing Tao

change the default scheduler and workflow run engine urls.

6740 12/06/2011 03:03 PM ben leinfelder

retry: add node name in the correct order for predicate navigation

6739 12/06/2011 02:51 PM ben leinfelder

update test to reflect newer change:
handle queries with predicates correctly.
when docids are used in the return field look up, we need to make sure they are included in the values in the correct order for their corresponding parameter place holders (?)

6738 12/06/2011 02:50 PM ben leinfelder

add node name in the correct order for predicate navigation

6737 12/05/2011 06:04 PM Jing Tao

Use the absolute path for the change permission jsp page.

6736 12/05/2011 05:43 PM Jing Tao

Add header style to distiguish header and normal row.

6735 12/05/2011 11:58 AM Jing Tao

Make TPC link to use the same mechanism to open header and left panel.

6734 12/02/2011 05:32 PM ben leinfelder

handle queries with predicates correctly.
when docids are used in the return field look up, we need to make sure they are included in the values in the correct order for their corresponding parameter place holders (?)

6733 12/02/2011 04:40 PM Jing Tao

widen the third column.

6732 12/02/2011 11:27 AM ben leinfelder

close prepared statement only if not null

6731 12/02/2011 10:54 AM Jing Tao

fixed a bug that using a wrong table name - acces_log.

6730 12/02/2011 10:53 AM Jing Tao

fixed a bug that using acces_log table name.

6729 12/02/2011 07:37 AM Chris Jones

Upgrade the hazelcast libraries to from

6728 12/01/2011 03:38 PM Jing Tao

Use accessblock in setaccess method. So user can grant/revoke public readable access.

6727 12/01/2011 01:30 PM ben leinfelder

ensure that the revision list is ordered ascending in case someone changes the sql query without realizing that it matters...

6726 12/01/2011 01:21 PM ben leinfelder

set the byte size of the ORE map before adding it

6725 12/01/2011 01:12 PM ben leinfelder

set/update the obsoletes/obsoletedBy fields in system metadata so that we always have a complete revision history for each object.
Note: ORE maps do not have revision history...yet(?)

6724 12/01/2011 01:10 PM ben leinfelder

order the revision list, ascending.

6723 12/01/2011 11:57 AM ben leinfelder

removing unused class -- can't find a reference to it and it's causing compilation errors for me.

6722 12/01/2011 11:53 AM ben leinfelder

for "all" permission, return a list of READ, WRITE, CHANGE_PERMISSION

6721 11/30/2011 05:31 PM ben leinfelder

generating ORE maps and creating/updating system metadata now. There are some Permission conversion issues to be worked out yet

6720 11/30/2011 05:25 PM ben leinfelder

look up access policy by guid or local id
TODO: resolve the Metacat/EML "all" permission as it relates to DataONE (there is only READ, WRITE, CHANGE_PERMISSION). for now I am using CHANGE_PERMISSION when it is a Metacat "all"

6719 11/30/2011 05:23 PM ben leinfelder

make exception/error reporting clearer -- was getting lock messages when perhaps that was not the correct exception.

6718 11/30/2011 05:22 PM ben leinfelder

look up all docids is now a static method (ORE/SystemMetadata generation)

6717 11/30/2011 02:22 PM Chris Jones

Add log statements for each call to ILock.unlock() for debugging.

6716 11/29/2011 04:21 PM Jing Tao

Add new test method to test getAccessControl.

6715 11/29/2011 04:20 PM Jing Tao

Add eml test file which contains access part.

6714 11/29/2011 03:43 PM ben leinfelder

evict the HazelCast SystemMetadata entry if we update the access control rules via Metacat's legacy API, otherwise stale SystemMetadata stays in memory instead of being looked up from the backing table store.

6713 11/29/2011 03:41 PM ben leinfelder

optionally include ORE generation/insertion into Metacat when generating SystemMetadata

6712 11/29/2011 02:15 PM ben leinfelder

optionally include ORE generation/insertion into Metacat when generating SystemMetadata

6711 11/29/2011 01:44 PM Chris Jones

Set a default HazelcastInstance after init() is called, and use this instance in getLock() to acquire a lock in the cluster.

6710 11/29/2011 01:41 PM ben leinfelder

no need to cast docInfo entries to String -- they are all strings

6709 11/29/2011 01:39 PM ben leinfelder

set revision history, the create/update dates and the owner/submitter (correctly)

6708 11/29/2011 01:05 PM ben leinfelder

use shared method for looking up "docInfo" map -- both in Metacat replication and in D1 system metadata generation

6707 11/29/2011 12:38 PM ben leinfelder

make default formatting a little bit easier to read

6706 11/29/2011 12:33 PM ben leinfelder

reformat code -- no changes

6705 11/29/2011 12:31 PM ben leinfelder

refactor SystemMetadata creation into separate class from the MetacatHandler -- this will be shared by upgrade code and normal metacat api.

6704 11/29/2011 11:00 AM ben leinfelder

include all document revisions when generating "missing" system metadata
TODO: revision graph captured in obsoletes/obsoletedBy

6703 11/29/2011 10:10 AM Chris Jones

When using ILock.lock(), get a lock on the string value of the Identifier, not the Identifier object itself. Hazelcast locking won't work otherwise.

6702 11/29/2011 08:55 AM Chris Jones

Use the Hazelcast ILock mechanism to lock the system metadata identifier rather than using IMap.lock(pid).

6701 11/28/2011 04:09 PM ben leinfelder

simplify SystemMetadata generation -- will be done during Metacat upgrade for D1 features/support.

6700 11/28/2011 03:53 PM ben leinfelder

clean up populator; use IOUtils library to do string<->stream conversions

6699 11/28/2011 03:37 PM ben leinfelder

utilities jar should not be committed to Metacat otherwise we will not retrieve the tagged version during Metacat build process.

6698 11/28/2011 03:04 PM ben leinfelder

catch all possible exceptions

6697 11/28/2011 02:44 PM ben leinfelder

act as a registered CN when calling CN methods -- create(), for example, is restricted to only be callable by a node of type CN.

6696 11/28/2011 02:22 PM Jing Tao

Set sessionid for clientVeiwBean when it handle a request.
Always set the order type to "allowFirst".

6695 11/28/2011 12:34 PM ben leinfelder

use IOUtils for testing read/write of XML strings. This goes along with the utilities project change to use the same apache commons IO library. Be sure to clean the utilities checkout in order to catch the right utilities svn tag when building!

6694 11/23/2011 12:49 PM ben leinfelder

remove the D1 configuration group (header)

6693 11/23/2011 12:10 PM ben leinfelder

verify checksum when retrieving replica from another member node.

6692 11/23/2011 11:59 AM ben leinfelder

make sure to get/put system metadata to the HZ map instead of using IdentifierManager directly
verified changes for:

6691 11/23/2011 11:37 AM ben leinfelder

match documentation for the MN.describe() header

6690 11/23/2011 11:31 AM ben leinfelder

configure synch schedule in the admin screen

6689 11/23/2011 11:03 AM ben leinfelder

look-up sych schedule from metacat properties instead of hardcoding them

6688 11/23/2011 10:19 AM ben leinfelder

when comparing D1 Subject objects, use the equals() method not direct string comparison

6687 11/23/2011 10:07 AM ben leinfelder

access nodeList list correctly

6686 11/22/2011 04:10 PM Jing Tao

When read a FGDC document, Metacat will add a new parameter enableFGDCediting params for the xml transforming.

6685 11/21/2011 02:23 PM Chris Jones

New d1 common jar. Fixing my overwritten jar.

6684 11/21/2011 02:16 PM Jing Tao

set the uploade file size -1.

6683 11/21/2011 02:11 PM Chris Jones

New d1 jars with changes to SubjectBase in the types classes.