ensure all emailed links make sense for the UI that initiated them. also format referrals using the same options as the primary accounts (recursive call needed the html parameter). https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6066
include optional email.overrideURL property for the account management page to send an email link that will result in a styled response. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6066
remove the NCEAS-specific admin db connection properties from the metadata config so they do not show up in the metacatui configuration.
include link to show the captcha - ensures we have all the divs loaded when the script runs to generate the code. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6098
use AJAX method of including the captcha. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6098
Fixed a typo.
Remove an extra space in the email message.
use correct id for the lookupAccount link - used in metacatui view.
More screenshots for the docs
FontAwesome and Bootstrap are imported locally rather than via CDN. Updated the docs screenshots to the new style.
correct table formatting for sphinx
Adding a protocol to the <link href=""> for the external CSS
pull a specific tag/branch form git when needed for metacatui.warhttps://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6095
add anchor for plugin handlers property
Pull the external stylesheets in by <link> rather than @import for faster page load
Edit some of the instructions for activating an account. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6063
Edit some of the instructions for registering an account. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6063
add lookupname link to the login form. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/2635
clone metacatui into a non-build directory so that it doesn't have to be recloned for every build.
Remove the words relative to knb.
Remove the knb information in the emails.
Add a link for forgot password in the loginForm.Remove the words with specific knb.
Simplified the importing of images and stylesheets so that both /admin and /docs pull from /docs
Made some CSS changes to the "Go" button in the docs because it was off by a few pixels in three different browsers. Also changed the admin config landing page links to look like buttons
add documentation entries for fields that appear on the main metacat admin page.
Add code to handle the looking up names.
Add two peroperties for the templates of looking up user name.
Add a template to handle the success of looking up the username.
Add a tempalte for users to look up the forgotten username.
Imported FontAwesome after Bootstrap for the FontAwesome icons. Also added a white version of the metacat logo.
redirect to the configured metacatui context (ui.context in metacat.properties file). this in conjunction with choosing "metacatui" as the default skin in the metacat admin interface will redirect requests to the metacat context (e.g., /knb) to the ui context (e.g., /metacatui). https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6062
prep for 2.2.0 release. include configuration value for metacatui deployment context.
Matched the admin config pages to the default metacatUI theme. Changed the background image of the docs and config pages to a big cat for some metacat branding.
Add a method to lookup users'account for the people who forgot their user name.
Add code to generate dc=tmp. Clean up some code.
bring the "Go" button down one more pixel to align with the search field.
Added a dark gray version of the metacat logo for the new configuration page styles
Remove a reistriction that it didn't show the similar accounts of "ou=Account" in the user registration.
Use the specific template for the verification.
Add information about the activation email.
Add the new properties to access the verification templates.
Add a new template to handle the success of the email verification.
Add a new template to handle the failure during the email verification.
Fixed a bug that email verificaton doesn't work well on "ou=Account".
require authenticated session when minting a DOI/other identifier. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6086
test that d1 node admin is allowed all permissions. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6086
include the dataone.subject (node admin) in the list of administrators. This allows full administrative access to objects when using certificates+d1 api. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6086
Fixed a bug to split the organization list from a property file.Fixed a bug to use a wrong object class for the ou.
Pass a organization list to the template.
replace the hard-coded organization list.
test for configured target url template on metadata using the default #view url. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6092
Redesigned the /admin configuration pages to better match our new MetacatUI design. Looks good in both /context/admin view and the #external view using metacatUI
use optional template for registering DOIs at a given target. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6092
Add code to get organization information from the ldapconfig.
only attempt to generate OREs for objects that we know not to have them already. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6061
Add a new property to control showing the organization list.
Add a new property ldap.template.organizationList to control the list of the organization in the ldap templates.It can be overwitten by the skin property with the same name.Also add the Account organization.
First get the email sender from the skin properties. If it is null, get it from the metacat.properties file.
A few style changes to the docs
Remove the sentence which saied the failure reason is the uid has been used.
Reword a message for the failed verification.
Generate an ORE when sci metadata is added via the Metacat API.https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6061
Added an ID and div wrapper to the docs html for more precise CSS selectors in the metacatui ExternalView.
Add code to handle the failure of the email server.
better checking for ORE maps when publishing DOIs (need to update the packages that contain sci meta). https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6061
implement ORE check method to actually query the MN for OREs that reference the given pid.https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6061
Added a Sphinx theme for the documentation that mirrors the new default theme for MetacatUI.
remove any index event errors if the pid has successfully been reindexed. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6089
Add code to check if password match in the registeration.
Add the new feature for the email verification.
change hazelcast group name to match the current context. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5624
try to cut down on the number of metacat-ui build calls - the SEEK build ends up calling war target more oftenthan not!
Fixed a bug that the url link was not correct in the email.
Send the verification email.
Add code to add a user to the tmp subtree.
add logout links to header and footer. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/3761
check both previous and current data revisions when updating packages. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5647
Fixed a bug in creating a subtree.
Add code to generate temporary subtree if it didn't exist.
add a new subroutine to create a temporary account.
include metacatui.war in the Metacat distribution. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6064
avoid SQL errors when processing very old objects of type: "-//ecoinformatics.org//eml-access-2.0.0beta6//EN"
mark skin configuration as being complete by default so as to encourage use of metacatUI. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6068
add note about new metacatUI themes to the skin config page. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6068
Display the recaptcha on the register stage.
Read the recaptcha key from the metacat.properties.
Add two new properties to store the recaptcha public key and private key.
Add the recaptcha protection.
set the timed index interval to be 12 hours.
If the pathquery engine is disabled, the xml path index queue will be disabled as well.
If the xpath query is disabled, the query, squery and spatial_query action will be disabled as well.
Add code to throw an exception if the pathquery is not enabled.We also need to disable building index if the pathquery is disabled.
Change the parameters order of the constructor. We maybe reuse some code from d1_cn_processor.
use consistent file names and zip content names. Opted for "-" separator so that the zip writer does not remove the unique part of the filename. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6054
Change the solr-home directory location for the testing.
Not include the solr-home in the jar file.
export a directory rather than a file in the scm plugin. This fixed an issue that the pom.xml didn't work with the svn with version 1.6.
Add a plugin to copy the solr-home from the metacat-common to the target/classes.
Remove the solr-home to the metacat-common.