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Revision 10041

Added by Jing Tao over 8 years ago

Use the "MNRead" to replace "MNStorage" to determine the version of the MN.

View differences:

197 197
198 198
199 199
              D1NodeVersionChecker checker = new D1NodeVersionChecker(systemMetadata.getAuthoritativeMemberNode());
              String version = checker.getVersion("MNStorage");
              String version = checker.getVersion("MNRead");
201 201
              if(version == null) {
                  throw new ServiceFailure("4882", "Couldn't determine the authoritative member node storage version for the pid "+pid.getValue());
                  throw new ServiceFailure("4882", "Couldn't determine the MNRead version of the authoritative member node for the pid "+pid.getValue());
203 203
              } else if (version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V2)) {
204 204
                  //we don't apply this method to an object whose authoritative node is v2
205 205
                  throw new NotAuthorized("4881", V2V1MISSMATCH);
206 206
              } else if (!version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V1)) {
207 207
                  //we don't understand this version (it is not v1 or v2)
                  throw new InvalidRequest("4883", "The version of the MNStorage is "+version+" for the authoritative member node of the object "+pid.getValue()+". We don't support it.");
                  throw new InvalidRequest("4883", "The version of the MNRead is "+version+" for the authoritative member node of the object "+pid.getValue()+". We don't support it.");
209 209
210 210
              // does the request have the most current system metadata?
211 211
              if ( systemMetadata.getSerialVersion().longValue() != serialVersion ) {
598 598
          logMetacat.debug("CNodeService.archive - lock the system metadata for "+pid.getValue());
599 599
          SystemMetadata sysMeta = HazelcastService.getInstance().getSystemMetadataMap().get(pid);
600 600
          D1NodeVersionChecker checker = new D1NodeVersionChecker(sysMeta.getAuthoritativeMemberNode());
          String version = checker.getVersion("MNStorage");
          String version = checker.getVersion("MNRead");
602 602
          if(version == null) {
              throw new ServiceFailure("4972", "Couldn't determine the authoritative member node storage version for the pid "+pid.getValue());
              throw new ServiceFailure("4972", "Couldn't determine the MNRead version of the authoritative member node for the pid "+pid.getValue());
604 604
          } else if (version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V2)) {
605 605
              //we don't apply this method to an object whose authoritative node is v2
606 606
              throw new NotAuthorized("4970", V2V1MISSMATCH);
607 607
          } else if (!version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V1)) {
608 608
              //we don't understand this version (it is not v1 or v2)
              throw new NotImplemented("4974", "The version of the MNStorage is "+version+" for the authoritative member node of the object "+pid.getValue()+". We don't support it.");
              throw new NotImplemented("4974", "The version of the MNRead is "+version+" for the authoritative member node of the object "+pid.getValue()+". We don't support it.");
610 610
611 611
          boolean needModifyDate = true;
612 612
          archiveCNObjectWithNotificationReplica(session, pid, sysMeta, needModifyDate);
738 738
739 739
				 //only apply to the object whose authoritative member node is v1.
740 740
	              D1NodeVersionChecker checker = new D1NodeVersionChecker(systemMetadata.getAuthoritativeMemberNode());
	              String version = checker.getVersion("MNStorage");
	              String version = checker.getVersion("MNRead");
742 742
	              if(version == null) {
	                  throw new ServiceFailure("4941", "Couldn't determine the authoritative member node storage version for the pid "+pid.getValue());
	                  throw new ServiceFailure("4941", "Couldn't determine the MNRead version of the authoritative member node for the pid "+pid.getValue());
744 744
	              } else if (version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V2)) {
745 745
	                  //we don't apply this method to an object whose authoritative node is v2
746 746
	                  throw new NotAuthorized("4945", V2V1MISSMATCH);
747 747
	              } else if (!version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V1)) {
748 748
	                  //we don't understand this version (it is not v1 or v2)
	                  throw new InvalidRequest("4942", "The version of the MNStorage is "+version+" for the authoritative member node of the object "+pid.getValue()+". We don't support it.");
	                  throw new InvalidRequest("4942", "The version of the MNRead is "+version+" for the authoritative member node of the object "+pid.getValue()+". We don't support it.");
750 750
751 751

752 752
			} catch (RuntimeException e) { // Catch is generic since HZ throws RuntimeException
1423 1423
              //for the object whose authoriative mn is v1. we need reset the modification date.
1424 1424
              //d1-sync already set the serial version. so we don't need do again.
1425 1425
              D1NodeVersionChecker checker = new D1NodeVersionChecker(sysmeta.getAuthoritativeMemberNode());
              String version = checker.getVersion("MNStorage");
              String version = checker.getVersion("MNRead");
1427 1427
              if(version != null && version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V1)) {
1428 1428
1429 1429
1604 1604
1605 1605
              //only apply to the object whose authoritative member node is v1.
1606 1606
              D1NodeVersionChecker checker = new D1NodeVersionChecker(systemMetadata.getAuthoritativeMemberNode());
              String version = checker.getVersion("MNStorage");
              String version = checker.getVersion("MNRead");
1608 1608
              if(version == null) {
                  throw new ServiceFailure("4490", "Couldn't determine the authoritative member node storage version for the pid "+pid.getValue());
                  throw new ServiceFailure("4490", "Couldn't determine the MNRead version of the authoritative member node storage version for the pid "+pid.getValue());
1610 1610
              } else if (version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V2)) {
1611 1611
                  //we don't apply this method to an object whose authoritative node is v2
1612 1612
                  throw new NotAuthorized("4440", V2V1MISSMATCH);
1613 1613
              } else if (!version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V1)) {
1614 1614
                  //we don't understand this version (it is not v1 or v2)
                  throw new InvalidRequest("4442", "The version of the MNStorage is "+version+" for the authoritative member node of the object "+pid.getValue()+". We don't support it.");
                  throw new InvalidRequest("4442", "The version of the MNRead is "+version+" for the authoritative member node of the object "+pid.getValue()+". We don't support it.");
1616 1616
1617 1617
1618 1618
1842 1842
              //for the object whose authoritative mn is v1. we need reset the modification date.
1843 1843
              //for the object whose authoritative mn is v2. we just accept the modification date.
1844 1844
              D1NodeVersionChecker checker = new D1NodeVersionChecker(sysmeta.getAuthoritativeMemberNode());
              String version = checker.getVersion("MNStorage");
              String version = checker.getVersion("MNRead");
1846 1846
              if(version != null && version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V1)) {
1847 1847
1848 1848
1956 1956
1957 1957
1958 1958
              D1NodeVersionChecker checker = new D1NodeVersionChecker(systemMetadata.getAuthoritativeMemberNode());
              String version = checker.getVersion("MNStorage");
              String version = checker.getVersion("MNRead");
1960 1960
              if(version == null) {
                  throw new ServiceFailure("4430", "Couldn't determine the authoritative member node storage version for the pid "+pid.getValue());
                  throw new ServiceFailure("4430", "Couldn't determine the version of MNRead of the authoritative member node for the pid "+pid.getValue());
1962 1962
              } else if (version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V2)) {
1963 1963
                  //we don't apply this method to an object whose authoritative node is v2
1964 1964
                  throw new NotAuthorized("4420", V2V1MISSMATCH);
1965 1965
              } else if (!version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V1)) {
1966 1966
                  //we don't understand this version (it is not v1 or v2)
                  throw new InvalidRequest("4402", "The version of the MNStorage is "+version+" for the authoritative member node of the object "+pid.getValue()+". We don't support it.");
                  throw new InvalidRequest("4402", "The version of the MNRead is "+version+" for the authoritative member node of the object "+pid.getValue()+". We don't support it.");
1968 1968
1969 1969
1970 1970
          } catch (RuntimeException e) {
646 646
647 647
		//this method will apply to the objects whose authoritative mn is v1.
648 648
        D1NodeVersionChecker checker = new D1NodeVersionChecker(v2Sysmeta.getAuthoritativeMemberNode());
        String version = checker.getVersion("MNStorage");
        String version = checker.getVersion("MNRead");
650 650
        if(version == null) {
            throw new ServiceFailure("4862", "Couldn't determine the authoritative member node storage version for the pid "+pid.getValue());
            throw new ServiceFailure("4862", "Couldn't determine the MNRead version of the authoritative member node for the pid "+pid.getValue());
652 652
        } else if (version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V2)) {
653 653
            //we don't apply this method to an object whose authoritative node is v2
654 654
            throw new NotAuthorized("4861", edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.dataone.CNodeService.V2V1MISSMATCH);
655 655
        } else if (!version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V1)) {
656 656
            //we don't understand this version (it is not v1 or v2)
            throw new InvalidRequest("4863", "The version of the MNStorage is "+version+" for the authoritative member node of the object "+pid.getValue()+". We don't support it.");
            throw new InvalidRequest("4863", "The version of the MNRead is "+version+" for the authoritative member node of the object "+pid.getValue()+". We don't support it.");
658 658
659 659
        //set the serial version to one
660 660

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