1 |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 |
<!-- edited with XMLSpy v2008 sp1 (http://www.altova.com) by Systems Administrator (NCDDC) -->
3 |
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" blockDefault="#all">
4 |
<xs:element name="spdoinfo" type="spdoinfoType">
5 |
6 |
<xs:documentation>The mechanism used to represent spatial information in the data set.</xs:documentation>
7 |
8 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="Spatial Data Organization Information"/>
9 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Mandatory-if-applicable"/>
10 |
<xs:attribute name="other-validation-rules" fixed="checkObjRelation([direct,point vector [Point and Vector Object Information] raster [Raster Object Information]]);checkForcedMandatory([direct,ptvctinf,rastinfo]);checkOr([ptvctinf,rastinfo]);checkProperties([indspref,direct])"/>
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
<xs:complexType name="spdoinfoType">
15 |
16 |
<xs:element ref="indspref" minOccurs="0"/>
17 |
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
18 |
<xs:element ref="direct"/>
19 |
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
20 |
<xs:element ref="ptvctinf"/>
21 |
<xs:element ref="rastinfo"/>
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
<xs:element name="indspref" type="indsprefType">
27 |
28 |
<xs:documentation>Name of types of geographic features, addressing schemes, or other means through which locations are referenced in the data set.</xs:documentation>
29 |
30 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="Mandatory-if-applicable"/>
31 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Indirect Spatial Reference"/>
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
<xs:simpleType name="indsprefType">
36 |
<xs:restriction base="FGDCstring"/>
37 |
38 |
<xs:element name="direct" type="directType">
39 |
40 |
<xs:documentation>The system of objects used to represent space in the data set.</xs:documentation>
41 |
42 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="Direct Spatial Reference Method"/>
43 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Mandatory"/>
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
<xs:simpleType name="directType">
48 |
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
49 |
<xs:enumeration value="Point"/>
50 |
<xs:enumeration value="Vector"/>
51 |
<xs:enumeration value="Raster"/>
52 |
53 |
54 |
<xs:element name="ptvctinf" type="ptvctinfType">
55 |
56 |
<xs:documentation>The types and numbers of vector or nongridded point spatial objects in the data set.</xs:documentation>
57 |
58 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="Point and Vector Object Information"/>
59 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Mandatory"/>
60 |
<xs:attribute name="other-validation-rules" fixed="checkOr([sdtsterm,vpfterm])"/>
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
<xs:complexType name="ptvctinfType">
65 |
66 |
<xs:element ref="sdtsterm" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
67 |
<xs:element ref="vpfterm"/>
68 |
69 |
70 |
<xs:element name="sdtsterm" type="sdtstermType">
71 |
72 |
<xs:documentation>"Point and vector object information using the terminology and concepts from 'Spatial Data Concepts,' which is Chapter 2 of Part 1 in Department of Commerce, 1992, Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) (Federal Information Processing Standard 173): Washington, Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology. (Note that this reference to the SDTS is used ONLY to provide a set of terminology for the point and vector objects.</xs:documentation>
73 |
74 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="SDTS Terms Description"/>
75 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Mandatory"/>
76 |
<xs:attribute name="other-validation-rules" fixed="checkRangeExcludeMin([ptvctcnt,0])"/>
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
<xs:complexType name="sdtstermType">
81 |
82 |
<xs:element ref="sdtstype"/>
83 |
<xs:element ref="ptvctcnt" minOccurs="0"/>
84 |
85 |
86 |
<xs:element name="sdtstype" type="sdtstypeType">
87 |
88 |
<xs:documentation>Name of point and vector spatial objects used to locate zero-, one-, and two-dimensional spatial locations in the data set.</xs:documentation>
89 |
90 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="SDTS Point and Vector Object Type"/>
91 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Mandatory"/>
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
<xs:simpleType name="sdtstypeType">
96 |
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
97 |
<xs:enumeration value="Point"/>
98 |
<xs:enumeration value="Entity point"/>
99 |
<xs:enumeration value="Label point"/>
100 |
<xs:enumeration value="Area point"/>
101 |
<xs:enumeration value="Node, planar graph"/>
102 |
<xs:enumeration value="Node, network"/>
103 |
<xs:enumeration value="String"/>
104 |
<xs:enumeration value="Link"/>
105 |
<xs:enumeration value="Complete chain"/>
106 |
<xs:enumeration value="Area chain"/>
107 |
<xs:enumeration value="Network chain, planar graph"/>
108 |
<xs:enumeration value="Network chain, nonplanar graph"/>
109 |
<xs:enumeration value="Circular arc, three point center"/>
110 |
<xs:enumeration value="Elliptical arc"/>
111 |
<xs:enumeration value="Uniform B-spline"/>
112 |
<xs:enumeration value="Piecewise Bezier"/>
113 |
<xs:enumeration value="Ring with mixed composition"/>
114 |
<xs:enumeration value="Ring composed of strings"/>
115 |
<xs:enumeration value="Ring composed of chains"/>
116 |
<xs:enumeration value="Ring composed of arcs"/>
117 |
<xs:enumeration value="G-polygon"/>
118 |
<xs:enumeration value="GT-polygon composed of rings"/>
119 |
<xs:enumeration value="GT-polygon composed of chains"/>
120 |
<xs:enumeration value="Universe polygon composed of rings"/>
121 |
<xs:enumeration value="Universe polygon composed of chains"/>
122 |
<xs:enumeration value="Void polygon composed of rings"/>
123 |
<xs:enumeration value="Void polygon composed of chains"/>
124 |
125 |
126 |
<xs:element name="ptvctcnt" type="ptvctcntType">
127 |
128 |
<xs:documentation>"The total number of the point or vector object type occurring in the data set.</xs:documentation>
129 |
130 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="Point and Vector Object Count"/>
131 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Optional"/>
132 |
<xs:attribute name="string-input-format" fixed="Point and Vector Object Count > 0"/>
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
<xs:simpleType name="ptvctcntType">
137 |
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
138 |
<xs:minExclusive value="0"/>
139 |
140 |
141 |
<xs:element name="vpfterm" type="vpftermType">
142 |
143 |
<xs:documentation>Point and vector object information using the terminology and concepts from Department of Defense, 1992, Vector Product Format (MIL-STD-600006): Philadelphia, Department of Defense, Defense Printing Service Detachment Office. (Note that this reference to the VPF is used ONLY to provide a set of terminology for the point and vector objects.)</xs:documentation>
144 |
145 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="VPF Terms Description"/>
146 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Mandatory"/>
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
<xs:complexType name="vpftermType">
151 |
152 |
<xs:element ref="vpflevel"/>
153 |
<xs:element ref="vpfinfo" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
154 |
155 |
156 |
<xs:element name="vpflevel" type="vpflevelType">
157 |
158 |
<xs:documentation>"The completeness of the topology carried by the data set. The levels of completeness are defined in Department of Defense, 1992, Vector Product Format (MIL-STD-600006): Philadelphia, Department of Defense, Defense Printing Service Detachment Office.</xs:documentation>
159 |
160 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="VPF Topology Level"/>
161 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Mandatory"/>
162 |
<xs:attribute name="string-input-format" fixed="0 <= VPF Topology Level <= 3"/>
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
<xs:simpleType name="vpflevelType">
167 |
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
168 |
<xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
169 |
<xs:maxInclusive value="3"/>
170 |
171 |
172 |
<xs:element name="vpfinfo" type="vpfinfoType">
173 |
174 |
<xs:documentation>Information about VPF point and vector objects.</xs:documentation>
175 |
176 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="VPF Point and Vector Object Information"/>
177 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Mandatory"/>
178 |
<xs:attribute name="other-validation-rules" fixed="checkRangeExcludeMin([ptvctcnt,0])"/>
179 |
180 |
181 |
182 |
<xs:complexType name="vpfinfoType">
183 |
184 |
<xs:element ref="vpftype"/>
185 |
<xs:element ref="ptvctcnt" minOccurs="0"/>
186 |
187 |
188 |
<xs:element name="vpftype" type="vpftypeType">
189 |
190 |
<xs:documentation>Name of point and vector spatial objects used to locate zero-, one- and two-dimensional spatial locations in the data set.</xs:documentation>
191 |
192 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="VPF Point and Vector Object Type"/>
193 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Mandatory"/>
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
<xs:simpleType name="vpftypeType">
198 |
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
199 |
<xs:enumeration value="Node"/>
200 |
<xs:enumeration value="Edge"/>
201 |
<xs:enumeration value="Face"/>
202 |
<xs:enumeration value="Text"/>
203 |
204 |
205 |
<xs:element name="rastinfo" type="rastinfoType">
206 |
207 |
<xs:documentation>The types and numbers of raster spatial objects in the data set.</xs:documentation>
208 |
209 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="Raster Object Information"/>
210 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Mandatory"/>
211 |
<xs:attribute name="other-validation-rules" fixed="checkRangeExcludeMin([rowcount,0]);checkRangeExcludeMin([colcount,0]);checkRangeExcludeMin([vrtcount,0]);checkForcedMandatory([rowcount,colcount,vrtcount])"/>
212 |
213 |
214 |
215 |
<xs:complexType name="rastinfoType">
216 |
217 |
<xs:element ref="rasttype"/>
218 |
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
219 |
<xs:element ref="rowcount"/>
220 |
<xs:element ref="colcount"/>
221 |
<xs:element ref="vrtcount" minOccurs="0"/>
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
<xs:element name="rasttype" type="rasttypeType">
226 |
227 |
<xs:documentation>Raster spatial objects used to locate zero-, two-, or three-dimensional locations in the data set.</xs:documentation>
228 |
229 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="Raster Object Type"/>
230 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Mandatory"/>
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
<xs:simpleType name="rasttypeType">
235 |
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
236 |
<xs:enumeration value="Point"/>
237 |
<xs:enumeration value="Pixel"/>
238 |
<xs:enumeration value="Grid Cell"/>
239 |
<xs:enumeration value="Voxel"/>
240 |
241 |
242 |
<xs:element name="rowcount" type="rowcountType">
243 |
244 |
<xs:documentation>The maximum number of raster objects along the ordinate (y) axis. For use with rectangular raster objects.</xs:documentation>
245 |
246 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="Row Count"/>
247 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Mandatory"/>
248 |
<xs:attribute name="string-input-format" fixed="Row Count > 0"/>
249 |
250 |
251 |
252 |
<xs:simpleType name="rowcountType">
253 |
<xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger"/>
254 |
255 |
<xs:element name="colcount" type="colcountType">
256 |
257 |
<xs:documentation>The maximum number of raster objects along the abscissa (x) axis. For use with rectangular raster objects.</xs:documentation>
258 |
259 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="Column Count"/>
260 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Mandatory"/>
261 |
<xs:attribute name="string-input-format" fixed="Column Count > 0"/>
262 |
263 |
264 |
265 |
<xs:simpleType name="colcountType">
266 |
<xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger"/>
267 |
268 |
<xs:element name="vrtcount" type="vrtcountType">
269 |
270 |
<xs:documentation>"The maximum number of raster objects along the vertical (z) axis. For use with rectangular volumetric raster objects (voxels).</xs:documentation>
271 |
272 |
<xs:attribute name="mdname" fixed="Vertical Count"/>
273 |
<xs:attribute name="use" fixed="Mandatory-if-applicable"/>
274 |
<xs:attribute name="string-input-format" fixed="Vertical Count > 0"/>
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
<xs:simpleType name="vrtcountType">
279 |
<xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger"/>
280 |
281 |