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* pathquery.dtd
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* Authors: Matt Jones
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* Organization: National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
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* Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the
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* National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
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* For Details: http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/
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* Created: 13 June 2000
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* File Info: '$Id$'
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* This DTD describes the structure and content of XML documents used
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* to represent, store, and exchange a simple path-based query expression.
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* This syntax represents a small subset of the capabilities of the XPath
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* language (http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath), and is intended as a simple
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* query language for the metadata catalog database (mcdb). It is
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* intended that all expressions in this language can be mapped directly
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* into XPath syntax, but not all Xpath expressions can be mapped into this
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* syntax.
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* Although ideally we would implement the query language as either the full
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* XPath language or as one of the emerging XML query languages (like
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* XML-QL or XQL), in practice this would be an involved undertaking that
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* doesn't necessarily have high payoffs. But we will revisit this issue and
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* determine later whether these full-featured technologies are warranted
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* after we have some experience with a simpler implementation such as this.
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<!-- Overall query container -->
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<!ELEMENT pathquery (meta_file_id, querytitle, returndoctype*, querygroup)>
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<!-- The version of this query specification -->
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<!ATTLIST pathquery version CDATA #FIXED "1.0">
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<!-- a unique identifier for this query document -->
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<!ELEMENT meta_file_id (#PCDATA)>
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<!-- a descriptive title for this query document -->
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<!ELEMENT querytitle (#PCDATA)>
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<!-- optional doctype filter - only documents with this type are returned -->
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<!ELEMENT returndoctype (#PCDATA)>
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<!-- A group of related query terms -->
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<!ELEMENT querygroup ( (queryterm|querygroup)+ )>
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<!-- the boolean expression used to combine the query terms in this group -->
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<!ATTLIST querygroup booleantype (AND|OR) #REQUIRED>
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<!-- a query term is the atomic unit of a query that can be translated
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to a single SELECT statement -->
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<!ELEMENT queryterm (value, pathexpr?)>
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<!-- a boolean flag indicating whether matches should be case-sensitive or
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case-independent for this queryterm, one of: true|false
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and searchmode is the type of match to perform against the text value -->
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<!ATTLIST queryterm casesensitive (true|false) #REQUIRED
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(contains|starts-with|ends-with|matches-exactly) #REQUIRED>
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<!-- the text value for which we are searching -->
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<!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA)>
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<!-- the path to the TEXT node used to constrain the query -->
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<!ELEMENT pathexpr (#PCDATA)>
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<!-- End of file -->