


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  com 71 almost 25 years higgins Catalog files from arbortext added
  edu 2364 about 20 years sgarg Added code to check for NaN valuse which conver...
  perl 2362 about 20 years sgarg Fix for bug# 1344
addforeignkeyfortable.sql 135 Bytes 1626 almost 22 years Jing Tao Create a foreign key for table accesssubtree.
clear.sql 312 Bytes 704 about 24 years berkley added removal of relations
drop-postgres.sql 1.8 KB 2276 over 20 years Matt Jones New schema changes, including upgrade scripts. ...
loaddtd.sql 2.36 KB 979 almost 23 years Jing Tao Change every "http://@server@ to "@systemidserv...
loaddtdschema.sql 2.82 KB 2229 over 20 years sgarg Modified directory name for eml-2.0.x checkouts...
loadschema.sql 476 Bytes 2229 over 20 years sgarg Modified directory name for eml-2.0.x checkouts...
package-count.sql 373 Bytes 2283 over 20 years Matt Jones Added sql for counting packages.
showdoc.sql 340 Bytes 390 over 24 years Matt Jones Added new utility query to return all of the xm...
sqlcatlist.sql 253 Bytes 123 almost 25 years Matt Jones Modifying storage model to use DOM TEXT nodes
sqldoclist.sql 209 Bytes 531 over 24 years Matt Jones Changed utility query to include the user_owner...
sqlnodeslist.sql 94 Bytes 108 almost 25 years Matt Jones added utility files and queries
sqlnodesview.sql 358 Bytes 166 over 24 years Matt Jones minor modifications to fix problems introduced ...
sqlrevisions.sql 205 Bytes 203 over 24 years Matt Jones Merged in substantial changes to DBWriter and a...
upgrade-db-to-1.2-postgres.sql 637 Bytes 2276 over 20 years Matt Jones New schema changes, including upgrade scripts. ...
upgrade-db-to-1.2.sql 596 Bytes 1827 over 21 years Matt Jones Renamed the upgrade sql files to more understan...
upgrade-db-to-1.3-postgres.sql 2.56 KB 2276 over 20 years Matt Jones New schema changes, including upgrade scripts. ...
upgrade-db-to-1.3.sql 1.44 KB 1827 over 21 years Matt Jones Renamed the upgrade sql files to more understan...
upgrade-db-to-1.4-postgres.sql 5.11 KB 2314 over 20 years sgarg Added code that changes the node column size
upgrade-db-to-1.4.sql 4.44 KB 2279 over 20 years Matt Jones Added lines for updating xml_catalog in the upg... 4.51 KB 2365 about 20 years sgarg Added code to check for NaN while converting St...
xmlpackage.sql 1.94 KB 439 over 24 years berkley sql file defining the table structure for eml-p...
xmltables-postgres.sql 11.8 KB 2359 about 20 years sgarg Modified database creation sql code so that in ...
xmltables-sqlserver.sql 11.8 KB 2359 about 20 years sgarg Modified database creation sql code so that in ...
xmltables.sql 13.9 KB 2359 about 20 years sgarg Modified database creation sql code so that in ...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
2365 01/13/2005 04:30 PM sgarg

Added code to check for NaN while converting String to double.

2364 01/13/2005 04:27 PM sgarg

Added code to check for NaN valuse which converting string to double.

2362 01/07/2005 03:56 PM sgarg

Fix for bug# 1344

2360 01/06/2005 12:47 PM sgarg

Fixed a bug in containsKey() function.

2359 12/30/2004 03:51 PM sgarg

Modified database creation sql code so that in xml_nodes, nodedatanumerical coulmn is added.

2358 12/30/2004 03:31 PM sgarg

Modified 'insert xml_nodes...' so that numerical data is added into numericalnodedata also.

2357 12/30/2004 03:29 PM sgarg

Modified handling of greater-than and less-than so that comparison is done against nodedatanumerical column.

2355 12/30/2004 02:33 PM sgarg

Modified code to work with Postgresql also.

2354 12/30/2004 12:54 PM sgarg

Adding new java code which upgrades the database for version 1.5

2352 12/22/2004 11:46 AM sgarg

Fixed a bug in previous commit. Moved normalization function before the string size is counted so that size change due to normalization is taken into account.

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