


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
confirmData.tmpl 21 KB 2282 over 20 years sgarg fixed error in input param
deleteData.tmpl 3.02 KB 2013 about 21 years sgarg deletaData.tmpl added a space in the end of doc...
entryForm.tmpl 53.4 KB 2390 about 20 years sgarg Changes made in entry form based on recommendat...
genericFooter.tmpl 109 Bytes 1982 about 21 years Matt Jones Modifications to add "Methods" collection to th...
genericGuide.tmpl 17.1 KB 2363 about 20 years sgarg The guide on how to complete dr entries was upd...
genericHeader.tmpl 1.64 KB 1982 about 21 years Matt Jones Modifications to add "Methods" collection to th...
genericResponse.tmpl 9.47 KB 2361 about 20 years sgarg Removed bugs in loading data when user wants to...
ldapChangePass.tmpl 2.25 KB 2342 about 20 years sgarg Integrating ldap templates into metacat CVS tree
ldapChangePassSuccess.tmpl 177 Bytes 2342 about 20 years sgarg Integrating ldap templates into metacat CVS tree
ldapRegister.tmpl 5.79 KB 2342 about 20 years sgarg Integrating ldap templates into metacat CVS tree
ldapRegisterFailed.tmpl 319 Bytes 2342 about 20 years sgarg Integrating ldap templates into metacat CVS tree
ldapRegisterLter.tmpl 1011 Bytes 2342 about 20 years sgarg Integrating ldap templates into metacat CVS tree
ldapRegisterMatch.tmpl 476 Bytes 2342 about 20 years sgarg Integrating ldap templates into metacat CVS tree
ldapRegisterSuccess.tmpl 473 Bytes 2342 about 20 years sgarg Integrating ldap templates into metacat CVS tree
ldapResetPass.tmpl 1.56 KB 2342 about 20 years sgarg Integrating ldap templates into metacat CVS tree
ldapResetPassSuccess.tmpl 302 Bytes 2342 about 20 years sgarg Integrating ldap templates into metacat CVS tree

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
2390 02/24/2005 11:01 AM sgarg

Changes made in entry form based on recommendations from Laura Downey

(Commit done for Veronique Connolly by Saurabh Garg)

2363 01/10/2005 04:26 PM sgarg

The guide on how to complete dr entries was updated to describe the current entryform.tmpl, and to fix bug 1302.

(Commit for Andrea Chadden by Saurabh Garg)

2361 01/07/2005 02:40 PM sgarg

Removed bugs in loading data when user wants to edit the data package

2349 12/22/2004 11:28 AM sgarg

I (Andrea) reformatted the file by changing the layout of tables, trs,
and tds, and also by removing style info from the html in the file, and
defining styles in the associated .css files

(Committed for Andrea Chadden by Saurabh Garg)

2346 12/21/2004 10:55 AM sgarg

Added code to fix bug# 1344. Response template is called when cancel delete is pressed

2342 12/20/2004 04:08 PM sgarg

Integrating ldap templates into metacat CVS tree

2335 12/16/2004 02:34 PM sgarg

Modified code to fix bug# 1551 by adding a conditional statement.

2284 09/15/2004 04:25 PM sgarg

Fixed some more bugs.

2282 09/15/2004 02:47 PM sgarg

fixed error in input param

2281 09/15/2004 02:17 PM sgarg

Added code to send showWgList, showSiteList, showOrganization, lsite and usite for one tmpl to other.

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