


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  ucsb 2701 over 19 years sgarg Bugfix to the code which sets parentnodeid in x...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
2701 10/31/2005 12:56 PM sgarg

Bugfix to the code which sets parentnodeid in xml_path_index. (Use setInt instead of setFloat)

2698 10/27/2005 04:46 PM sgarg

Removed sql syntax not acceptable by Oracle.

2697 10/27/2005 04:15 PM sgarg

Changed the filter and ldapbase values in getUserInfo so that it works for both NCEAS and LTER ldap

2693 10/26/2005 09:44 AM sgarg

Bug fix in the changes made in previous commit

2690 10/24/2005 05:11 PM sgarg

Added warning to be displayed in the log when document is not inserted.

2683 10/20/2005 11:39 AM sgarg

Added support in the metacat client for the new function added to MetaCatServlet

2682 10/20/2005 11:38 AM sgarg

Added a new action - getloggedinuserinfo - which returns information about the user in the following format.

<name>Saurabh Garg</name>

2681 10/20/2005 11:34 AM sgarg

Removed code entered in previous commit as it is no longer needed

2680 10/20/2005 11:32 AM sgarg

Also in the previous commit, the successful message changed. Now in addtion to the sessionid tag, the following tags also included: <name>[name of the user]</name>, <isModerator> (if is moderator) and <isAdministrator> (if is Administrator)

2679 10/20/2005 11:26 AM sgarg

Added a new function - getUserInfo to AuthInterface and AuthLdap
The function returns a string array for a given username. the array contains the name, organization name and email address of the user. In case of ldap, it is cn, o and mail attributes for ldapbase=username...

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