


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  RollOvers 2789 about 19 years bowdish updated to work with the moderator
ESAHeader3_r1_c1.gif 7.7 KB 2534 over 19 years sgarg Adding gifs for the new ESA header (Commit don...
ESAHeader3_r2_c1.gif 324 Bytes 2534 over 19 years sgarg Adding gifs for the new ESA header (Commit don...
ESAHeader3_r2_c3.gif 23.9 KB 2534 over 19 years sgarg Adding gifs for the new ESA header (Commit don...
ESAHeader3_r3_c2.gif 1000 Bytes 2534 over 19 years sgarg Adding gifs for the new ESA header (Commit don...
ESAHeader3_r4_c3.gif 251 Bytes 2534 over 19 years sgarg Adding gifs for the new ESA header (Commit don...
ESAHeader3_r4_c8.gif 464 Bytes 2534 over 19 years sgarg Adding gifs for the new ESA header (Commit don...
ESAHome.gif 633 Bytes 2534 over 19 years sgarg Adding gifs for the new ESA header (Commit don...
ESAHome2.gif 635 Bytes 2685 over 19 years bowdish These are all header updates to include the log...
ESAHome2_f2.gif 635 Bytes 2685 over 19 years bowdish These are all header updates to include the log...
ESAHomeLogo.gif 3.36 KB 2534 over 19 years sgarg Adding gifs for the new ESA header (Commit don...
ESALogin.gif 372 Bytes 2685 over 19 years bowdish These are all header updates to include the log...
ESALogout.gif 403 Bytes 2685 over 19 years bowdish These are all header updates to include the log...
ESALogout.png 28.7 KB 2685 over 19 years bowdish These are all header updates to include the log...
ESARegister.gif 585 Bytes 2534 over 19 years sgarg Adding gifs for the new ESA header (Commit don...
ESARegisterNewData.gif 1.05 KB 2685 over 19 years bowdish These are all header updates to include the log...
ESARegistry2.gif 834 Bytes 2685 over 19 years bowdish These are all header updates to include the log...
ESASearch.gif 810 Bytes 2685 over 19 years bowdish These are all header updates to include the log...
HeaderViewDocs_r1_c1.gif 7.48 KB 2789 about 19 years bowdish updated to work with the moderator
HeaderViewDocs_r2_c1.gif 327 Bytes 2789 about 19 years bowdish updated to work with the moderator
HeaderViewDocs_r2_c3.gif 22.9 KB 2789 about 19 years bowdish updated to work with the moderator
HeaderViewDocs_r3_c2.gif 1.09 KB 2789 about 19 years bowdish updated to work with the moderator
HeaderViewDocs_r4_c10.gif 496 Bytes 2789 about 19 years bowdish updated to work with the moderator
HeaderViewDocs_r4_c11.gif 496 Bytes 2789 about 19 years bowdish updated to work with the moderator
HeaderViewDocs_r5_c3.gif 178 Bytes 2789 about 19 years bowdish updated to work with the moderator
HeaderViewDocs_r6_c3.gif 112 Bytes 2789 about 19 years bowdish updated to work with the moderator
HeaderViewDocs_r6_c8.gif 118 Bytes 2789 about 19 years bowdish updated to work with the moderator
HeaderViewDocs_r7_c5.gif 104 Bytes 2789 about 19 years bowdish updated to work with the moderator
RegNew.gif 792 Bytes 2534 over 19 years sgarg Adding gifs for the new ESA header (Commit don...
Search.gif 604 Bytes 2534 over 19 years sgarg Adding gifs for the new ESA header (Commit don...
header_r1_c1.gif 7.5 KB 2685 over 19 years bowdish These are all header updates to include the log...
header_r2_c1.gif 315 Bytes 2685 over 19 years bowdish These are all header updates to include the log...
header_r2_c3.gif 22.9 KB 2685 over 19 years bowdish These are all header updates to include the log...
header_r3_c2.gif 1.04 KB 2685 over 19 years bowdish These are all header updates to include the log...
header_r4_c8.gif 465 Bytes 2685 over 19 years bowdish These are all header updates to include the log...
header_r5_c3.gif 195 Bytes 2685 over 19 years bowdish These are all header updates to include the log...
spacer.gif 43 Bytes 2534 over 19 years sgarg Adding gifs for the new ESA header (Commit don...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
2789 11/30/2005 08:37 AM bowdish

updated to work with the moderator

2685 10/20/2005 11:59 AM bowdish

These are all header updates to include the login and logout for the ESA Header links. I left the original Header and named it headerOld.html and saved the Slices
that go with it too. (the ESAHomeLogo.gif file might be overwritten) The code for
the header to work with the Logout slice and roll over is in the file headerLogout.htm. <td><a href="#" target="_top" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore();" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('ESALogout','','ESAHeaderSlices/RollOvers/ESALogoutR.gif',1);"><img name="ESALogout" src="ESAHeaderSlices/ESALogout.gif" width="57" height="17" border="0" alt="Logout"></a></td> The code for the login slice and rollover is in the header.htm file <td><a href="#" target="_top" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore();" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('ESALogin','','ESAHeaderSlices/RollOvers/ESALoginR.gif',1);"><img name="ESALogin" src="ESAHeaderSlices/ESALogin.gif" width="57" height="17" border="0" alt="Login"></a></td>

2535 08/04/2005 11:14 AM sgarg

Adding new gifs for the ESA header

(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Callie Bowdish)

2534 08/03/2005 04:46 PM sgarg

Adding gifs for the new ESA header

(Commit done for Callie Bowdish by Saurabh Garg)

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