


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  dbadapter 2728 over 19 years sgarg New function which returns the formatted left j...
  metacat 3043 over 18 years perry Allow only public readable docs in the spatial ...
  protocols 668 about 24 years Matt Jones Added License terms to source files, added more...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
3043 09/13/2006 12:24 PM perry

Allow only public readable docs in the spatial cache

3040 09/11/2006 02:22 PM perry

Added javadoc comments for all new spatial classes. Optimized the title query in SpatialDocument.

3039 09/11/2006 12:58 PM perry

Removed old spatial classes

3037 09/07/2006 07:10 PM perry

Fixed polygon generator for cases where bbox crosses the dateline or the poles

3035 08/31/2006 04:54 PM perry

refactory java classes for spatial harvester

3034 08/31/2006 04:37 PM perry

initial import of changes to metacat source and config files to support spatial option

3028 07/31/2006 02:50 PM perry

Fixed parameter order for call to createSpatialQuery and fixed bounding box intersection logic.

3024 07/19/2006 03:00 PM sgarg

added exception handler for normalize function. if StringIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown then it is reported and nodedata value is forwarded without normalization.

3023 07/19/2006 08:56 AM sgarg

Cleaned up the code with proper debug statements..

3022 07/17/2006 11:23 AM sgarg

Replaced getIdentifyingName and ldapAuthenticate with new code. ldapAuthenticate will first try to form a secure connection. If the secure connection fails then based on the value specified
in, an insecure connection will be made. authenticate() function first tries to connect using the dn specified with the default ldap base and url. in case that fails,...

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