


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  dbadapter 2728 over 19 years sgarg New function which returns the formatted left j...
  metacat 3048 over 18 years perry Make spatial query more accurate by actually in...
  protocols 668 about 24 years Matt Jones Added License terms to source files, added more...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
3048 09/18/2006 12:07 PM perry

Make spatial query more accurate by actually intersecting geometries in addition to a simple bbox filter. Important for testing intersection of irregular shaped objects or multi-geometries

3047 09/18/2006 11:21 AM perry

Added docid override mechanism to DBQuery. Bypasses the queryspec.printSQL method and creates an optimized docid query in cases (like the spatial query) where you know the docids a priori

3045 09/13/2006 04:46 PM perry

Updated spatial query to also look at point spatial cache as some documents may only be represented as a single point.

3044 09/13/2006 04:10 PM perry

Rewrote spatial query handler to use geotools directly against the spatial cache.

3043 09/13/2006 12:24 PM perry

Allow only public readable docs in the spatial cache

3040 09/11/2006 02:22 PM perry

Added javadoc comments for all new spatial classes. Optimized the title query in SpatialDocument.

3039 09/11/2006 12:58 PM perry

Removed old spatial classes

3037 09/07/2006 07:10 PM perry

Fixed polygon generator for cases where bbox crosses the dateline or the poles

3035 08/31/2006 04:54 PM perry

refactory java classes for spatial harvester

3034 08/31/2006 04:37 PM perry

initial import of changes to metacat source and config files to support spatial option

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