


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
download2.png 138 Bytes 3178 about 18 years sledge Kepler Repository Skin
entity.xsl 7.49 KB 3204 about 18 years sledge adjusted cell widths, font sizes, and white-spa...
header.html 2.95 KB 3071 over 18 years berkley added new namespace to the kepler skin
index.html 6.84 KB 3236 almost 18 years sledge Added predicates to return paths.
kepler-logo.png 3.91 KB 2950 about 19 years berkley new skin to handle browsing the kepler archive.
kepler.cfg 821 Bytes 3062 over 18 years berkley changed the name of the repository
kepler.css 6.76 KB 2950 about 19 years berkley new skin to handle browsing the kepler archive.
kepler.js 9.04 KB 2950 about 19 years berkley new skin to handle browsing the kepler archive.
kepler.xml 994 Bytes 3071 over 18 years berkley added new namespace to the kepler skin
resultset.xsl 9.89 KB 3236 almost 18 years sledge Added predicates to return paths.
searchform.html 685 Bytes 3071 over 18 years berkley added new namespace to the kepler skin

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
3236 04/16/2007 02:51 PM sledge

Added predicates to return paths.

3204 03/08/2007 10:13 AM sledge

adjusted cell widths, font sizes, and white-space policies.

3180 02/13/2007 09:29 AM sledge

Can't get results displayed correctly due to a limitation in metacat (bug 2769 in

3179 02/12/2007 01:29 PM sledge


3178 02/12/2007 08:46 AM sledge

Kepler Repository Skin

3159 01/29/2007 04:09 PM berkley

updated stylesheet for kepler skins to display documentation uploaded from kepler

3071 10/31/2006 02:36 PM berkley

added new namespace to the kepler skin

3062 10/10/2006 12:39 PM berkley

changed the name of the repository

2954 03/09/2006 03:01 PM berkley

updated some styling on the results page

2953 03/09/2006 11:55 AM berkley

changed search text

View revisions

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