metacat/lib/spatial/openlayers/doc/Control.LayerSwitcher.txt @ 3463
1 | 3032 | perry | OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher |
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3 | This control will by default display a small image in the upper right corner of the map. When clicked, this image expands into a control which allows one to select between multiple types of layers, seperated into two types: Base Layers and Overlays. Only one base layer can be selected at a time, and is enforced by a radio button control being used. Multiple overlays can be selected at once, and a checkbox control is visible for this functionality. |
4 | * Constructor |
5 | OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher({Object|options}?) -- Creates a new control. |
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7 | * Methods |
8 | maximizeControl() -- none -- Expand the layer switcher control. |
9 | minimizeControl() -- none -- Close the layer switcher control. |
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11 | * Parameters |
12 | position -- (inherited from {OpenLayers.Control}) {OpenLayers.Pixel} to use as the top-left corner of the control div, relative to the map area. |
13 | activeColor -- The color to use for the background of the layer switcher div. |