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Revision 348

Updated build process to now use a copy of the source files so that keyword
substitution can ocur before the build. This allows for substitution of
hardcoded values into the source before the compile. Currently, I am
using this feature to do the following:

1) Substitute a "Release" number into the code
2) Substitute a hardcoded servlet path into the code and html files

By changing the value of "servlet-path" and "installdir" properties in
build.xml, one can now easily install a new version of the servlet in a
different location by simply using "ant install".

View differences:

7 7
8 8
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
9 9
Insert XML to be validated here:
<br><form action="/xmltodb/servlet/metacat" method="POST">
<br><form action="@servlet-path@" method="POST">
11 11
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="validate">
12 12
13 13
    name="valtext" rows="16" cols="146">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>

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