Fixed 3 bugs:1) If there is a call to this class without an "action" (i.e. the initial time the login form is loaded) a null pointer exception would be thrown.2) If the user logged out, and then tried to query, the server would send an error (invalidated session)...
Created method "private void download(ClientView bean, HttpServletResponse response)", along with several other additions to support downloading.Includes functionality for FGDC-related package downloads (zip file) and individual data file downloads, with original filenames.
Created new XPath constants for FGDC queries.
Created method "synchronized public InputStream sendParameters(Properties args) throws Exception".Sends a request to Metacat. An alternative to the sentData method. Allows for sending multiple parameters with the same name, different names, or any combo.
Add debug information.
Add a new method - query which can specify qformat.
Add new query method which can specify qformat.
Modified the "clientDeleteRequest" method to handle meta-file deletes.
Clear the bean's "action" property after most operations are complete, in case user refreshes the browser (it won't repeat). Modified "delete" code, and "handleFileUpdate" method. Added new methods: getStringFromInputStream and makeRedirectUrl.
Added property "metaFileDocId", and constant "UPDATE_MESSAGE", to accomodate update and delete operations.
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