


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  dbadapter 3077 over 18 years Matt Jones Removed the @release@ ant token from all files ...
  metacat 3514 over 17 years barteau Added param to indicate if public has read acce...
  protocols 3077 over 18 years Matt Jones Removed the @release@ ant token from all files ...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
3514 10/12/2007 03:48 PM barteau

Added param to indicate if public has read access or not, in the method "readFromMetacat". It only does this if reading a metadata document, for a skin-format,
and the user is not public. This is useful to the skin's metadata display/editing form, for indicating public accessiblity (or inaccessibility)....

3512 10/11/2007 03:58 PM barteau

Fixed bug where the Permission Order was always being set to 'allowFirst'.
It was comparing against the constant AccessControlInterface.DENYFIRST with the variable name surrounded by quotes. Removed the quotes and updated comments.

3507 10/08/2007 11:44 AM Jing Tao

Modified a sql command from "like" to "=". It dramatically improves the peformance of build index.

3502 10/04/2007 03:42 PM barteau

Grant the public read access to the data files, if it was done for the metadata file. Also cleaned-up some debug statements.

3501 10/04/2007 03:28 PM barteau

Find out if the document is a Member of an EML package, and if that's not the case, than skip the test to see if access is set through EML metadata.

3492 10/03/2007 10:01 AM ben leinfelder

use "within" rather than "intersects" as the spatial search criteria for dataset location.
(see bugzilla #2972)

3486 09/28/2007 05:00 PM barteau

Fixed 3 bugs:
1) If there is a call to this class without an "action" (i.e. the initial time the login form is loaded) a null pointer exception would be thrown.
2) If the user logged out, and then tried to query, the server would send an error (invalidated session)...

3483 09/28/2007 04:06 PM barteau

Created method "private void download(ClientView bean, HttpServletResponse response)", along with several other additions to support downloading.
Includes functionality for FGDC-related package downloads (zip file) and individual data file downloads, with original filenames.

3482 09/28/2007 04:02 PM barteau

Created new XPath constants for FGDC queries.

3481 09/28/2007 04:00 PM barteau

Created method "synchronized public InputStream sendParameters(Properties args) throws Exception".
Sends a request to Metacat. An alternative to the sentData method. Allows for sending multiple parameters with the same name, different names, or any combo.

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