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<h2>Installing Metacat on Mac OSX (10.4.10)</h2>
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Author: Matthew Perry, Derik Barseghian<br />
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Date: 11/05/2007<br />
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This is a terse cheatsheet for metacat with postgres on os X. Please see metacat_install_instructs.html for the full details.
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<h2>* pre-requirements</h2>
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<h3>install ant, postgres, tomcat using macports</h3>
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<p>Alternatively, download and install ant, postgres and tomcat from source or using fink.</p>
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install <a href="http://www.macports.org/">macports</a>.
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launch a terminal
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sudo port -d sync
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sudo port search ant
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sudo port install ant
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sudo port search postgres
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sudo port install postgresql82
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sudo port search tomcat
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sudo port install tomcat5
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<h2>* metacat install</h2>
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<h3>setup database</h3>
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cd /opt/local/lib/postgresql82/
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sudo mkdir data
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chown -R yourusername.yourusername data
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cd data
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../bin/initdb -D data
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../bin/pg_ctl -D data -l logfile start
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../bin/createdb metacat
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../bin/psql -d metacat
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metacat=> create user metacat with unencrypted password 'metacat';
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metacat=> \q
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test password:
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../bin/psql -U metacat -W -h localhost metacat
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Password for user metacat:
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metacat=> \q
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cd /opt/local/share/java/tomcat5
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sudo mkdir -p data/metacat/data
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sudo mkdir -p data/metacat/inlinedata
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chown -R yourusername.yourusername data
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bin/initdb -D data
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bin/pg_ctl -D data -l logfile start
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bin/createdb metacat
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bin/psql -d metacat
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metacat=> create user metacat with unencrypted password 'yourpassword';
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metacat=> \q
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Add to data/pg_hba.conf:
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host metacat metacat password
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bin/pg_ctl -D data -l logfile restart
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psql -U metacat -W -h localhost metacat
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<h3>checkout metacat</h3>
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mkdir ~/cvs_src/
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cd ~/cvs_src
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export CVS_RSH="/usr/bin/ssh"
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cvs -d:ext:your_cvs_name@cvs.ecoinformatics.org:/cvs co metacat
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cvs -d:ext:your_cvs_name@cvs.ecoinformatics.org:/cvs co utilities
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<h3>edit build.properties as needed</h3>
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if your mac username is different from your cvs name, hardcode hack:
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<h3>install metacat</h3>
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cd metacat
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sudo ant install
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Enter your cvs password a few times...
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psql82 -U metacat -W -h localhost -f build/src/xmltables-postgres.sql metacat
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ant register-schemas
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<p>Restart tomcat</p>
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sudo /opt/local/share/java/tomcat5/bin/shutdown.sh
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sudo /opt/local/share/java/tomcat5/bin/startup.sh
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Point your browser to http://localhost:8080/knb/ and you should be in business.
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After restarting, you'll need to fire off the following commands in order to start up postgres/tomcat again:
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# Startup
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/Users/nceas/Apps/postgres/bin/pg_ctl -D /Users/nceas/Apps/postgres/data/ -l /Users/nceas/Apps/postgres/logfile -m fast start
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# Shutdown
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/Users/nceas/Apps/postgres/bin/pg_ctl -D /Users/nceas/Apps/postgres/data/ -l /Users/nceas/Apps/postgres/logfile -m fast stop
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You can create two shell scripts with the preceeding commands; start_metacat.sh and stop_metacat.sh
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Changed os X install instructions a bit, and conveted to html.
Moved 'supplemental os-specific' section up to the top on the main install page.