metacat/lib/style/common/fgdc @ 3744
Name | Size | Revision | Age | Author | Comment |
ClientViewHelper.jspx | 2.24 KB | 3394 | over 17 years | barteau | Modifications to allow for other types of usage... |
fgdc-root.xsl | 15.1 KB | 3744 | almost 17 years | ben leinfelder | reuse the fgdc-root.xsl for both nceas and sanp... |
fgdc_1.xsl | 1.72 KB | 3744 | almost 17 years | ben leinfelder | reuse the fgdc-root.xsl for both nceas and sanp... |
nbii-metacat.xsl | 23 KB | 2921 | almost 19 years | Matt Jones | Experimental stylesheet for rendering NBII/FGDC... |
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