


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
ClientViewHelper.jspx 2.24 KB 3394 over 17 years barteau Modifications to allow for other types of usage...
fgdc-root.xsl 15.1 KB 3744 almost 17 years ben leinfelder reuse the fgdc-root.xsl for both nceas and sanp...
fgdc_1.xsl 1.72 KB 3744 almost 17 years ben leinfelder reuse the fgdc-root.xsl for both nceas and sanp...
nbii-metacat.xsl 23 KB 2921 almost 19 years Matt Jones Experimental stylesheet for rendering NBII/FGDC...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
3744 02/27/2008 10:31 AM ben leinfelder

reuse the fgdc-root.xsl for both nceas and sanparks skins (it is included in different containing stylesheets)
note: still need to pin down the switch that [dis]allows editing of the the files

3743 02/27/2008 10:08 AM ben leinfelder

use contextURL parameter so that the "shortform" url for looking at documents actually works and pulls in the correct js and css files

3742 02/27/2008 09:43 AM ben leinfelder

add support for FGDC doctype display

3518 10/15/2007 04:48 PM ben leinfelder

organize the various file action buttons
annotate table cells with classes defined in stylesheet (now they can be customized for each skin!)
make the data labels (table cells) a bit more sleek (css)

3515 10/12/2007 03:55 PM barteau

Modified to accept (and display) parameters "publicRead" and "message". Modifications to allow users to change public access to package.

3485 09/28/2007 04:10 PM barteau

Modifications to accomodate Downloads. Includes "Download" forms/buttons.

3461 09/19/2007 10:37 AM barteau

Replaced the reference to knp.js with a generalized call to the skins javascript, using the qformat's setting.

3453 09/17/2007 02:07 PM barteau

Modified form action URL's. Removed call to map. Used shorter version of JSP syntax in forms.

3400 09/04/2007 05:49 PM barteau

Added Delete buttons to the package update form. Also includes several html structural/aesthethic changes.

3394 09/04/2007 05:16 PM barteau

Modifications to allow for other types of usage, other than file updates, such as file deletes.

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