


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  common 3788 almost 17 years ben leinfelder use consistent table attributes (100% width and...
  images 3559 over 17 years bowdish download files icon
  shared 3689 about 17 years barteau Turnkey installer modification: used relative p...
  skins 3789 almost 17 years ben leinfelder add support for FGDC document display for the k...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
3789 04/10/2008 05:19 PM ben leinfelder

add support for FGDC document display for the knb skin
see bug 3146

3788 04/10/2008 05:17 PM ben leinfelder

use consistent table attributes (100% width and 0 cell spacing) so that KNB skin looks better when displaying fgdc documents

3787 04/10/2008 11:27 AM ben leinfelder

use "placekey" (without additional leading xpath) because that is in the indexPaths of the build properties (and is used for other searches.
should improve performance....

3780 04/02/2008 04:28 PM daigle

Changes to remove ANT tokens for the turnkey install project

3778 03/31/2008 04:43 PM Jing Tao

Changing search field from idinfo/keywords/theme/placekey to placekey

3777 03/25/2008 11:09 AM ben leinfelder

limit searching to "common" fields that are indexed.
include checkbox to search all fields.
see bug #3174

3776 03/21/2008 03:17 PM ben leinfelder

-add FGDC specifc fields for indexPath searching
-limit FGDC data returned for the NCEAS skin to those that have "placekey" fields containing "National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis"

3774 03/21/2008 12:32 PM ben leinfelder

limit searching to "common" fields that are indexed.
include checkbox to search all fields.
see bug #3174

3773 03/20/2008 05:47 PM ben leinfelder

Parameterize FGDC update/delete functions with the "enableFGDCediting" parameter.
Stylesheets that include fgdc-root.xsl must now set the edit parameter to "true" if they wish to have the editing widgets displayed (true for sanparks and saeon skins but not for nceas)

3768 03/18/2008 04:31 PM daigle

Include the contextURL as a parameter for the transformer. Remove leading / from resultset paths

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