metacat/lib/spatial/mapbuilder/lib/widget @ 3967
Name | Size | Revision | Age | Author | Comment |
Abstract.xsl | 1.95 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
AoiBox2.js | 2.68 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
AoiBoxDHTML.js | 5.28 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
AoiBoxWZ.js | 3.47 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
AoiForm.js | 2.96 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
AoiForm.xsl | 2.14 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
AoiMetacatQuery.js | 3.36 KB | 3073 | about 18 years | perry | Only run spatial cache regeneration once. Plus ... |
AoiWFSQuery.js | 3.6 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Back.js | 1.09 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Button.js | 581 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Button.xsl | 1.78 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
ButtonBase.js | 5.48 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
CatSearchForm.js | 5.99 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
CatSearchForm.xsl | 4.59 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
CdnWatershedForm.xsl | 1.8 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
CollectionList.js | 694 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
CollectionList.xsl | 1.71 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
CursorTrack.js | 9.07 KB | 3106 | about 18 years | perry | Changes to map layout and skins according to in... |
CursorTrack.xsl | 2.85 KB | 3111 | about 18 years | perry | shortened the latitude/longitude to lat/lon to ... |
DeleteFeature.js | 2.99 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
DragPan.js | 1.73 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
EditButtonBase.js | 3 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
EditLine.js | 1.26 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
EditLine_1.js | 1.85 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
EditPoint.js | 1.17 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
EditPoint_1.js | 1.54 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
EditPolygon.js | 2.29 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
EventLog.xsl | 1.99 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
FeatureInfo.js | 918 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
FeatureInfo.xsl | 2.08 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
FeatureList.js | 887 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
FeatureList.xsl | 2.33 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
FilterAttributes.js | 685 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
FilterAttributes.xsl | 1.96 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Forward.js | 1.07 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
GetFeatureInfo.js | 4.03 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Gml2ScreenCoords.xsl | 1.61 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
GmlCooordinates2Coord.xsl | 4.46 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
GmlPointRenderer.js | 5.38 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
GmlRenderer.js | 1.81 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
GmlRenderer.xsl | 13.6 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
GmlRendererSVG.js | 2.46 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
GmlRendererSVG.xsl | 4.07 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
GmlRendererTest.js | 1.09 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
GmlRendererTest.xsl | 473 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
GmlRendererWKT.js | 2.06 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
GmlRendererWKT.xsl | 1.45 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
GmlRendererWZ.js | 5.77 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
GmlRendererWZ.xsl | 7.78 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
InsertFeature.js | 3.19 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
LayerControl.js | 2.05 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
LayerControl.xsl | 3.88 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Legend.js | 1.45 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Legend.xsl | 4.48 KB | 3119 | about 18 years | perry | Fixed mapbuilder loading image when wms is down... |
Loading.js | 1.07 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Loading.xsl | 563 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Loading2.js | 4.4 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Locations.js | 1.46 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Locations.xsl | 1.66 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
MapContainerBase.js | 8 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
MapImage.js | 1.99 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
MapImage.xsl | 403 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
MapPane.js | 13.8 KB | 3119 | about 18 years | perry | Fixed mapbuilder loading image when wms is down... |
MapPane.xsl | 12 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
MapScaleBar.js | 22.3 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
MapScaleText.js | 3.2 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
MapScaleText.xsl | 1.23 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
MapTitle.xsl | 942 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
ModelStatus.js | 976 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
ModelStatus.xsl | 958 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
ModelSwitcher.js | 1.43 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
ModelUrlInput.js | 2.91 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
ModelUrlInput.xsl | 1.29 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
NtsForm.xsl | 1.78 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Null.xsl | 364 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Reset.js | 1.75 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Save.js | 1.79 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
SaveModel.js | 1.05 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
SaveModel.xsl | 1.22 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
SearchForm.xsl | 2.3 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
SelectAllMapLayers.xsl | 1.04 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
SelectFeatureType.xsl | 2.11 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
SelectMapLayers.xsl | 2.24 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
SelectTimeFrame.js | 1.24 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
SelectTimeFrame.xsl | 1.51 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
ServiceRegistryList.js | 1.69 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
ServiceRegistryList.xsl | 3.5 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
SetAoi.js | 1.02 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
TabbedContent.js | 3.85 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
TabbedContent.xsl | 1.13 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
TimeSeries.js | 3.43 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Timestamp.js | 843 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Timestamp.xsl | 1.82 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
TransactionResponse.js | 598 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
TransactionResponse.xsl | 1.23 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Version.xsl | 940 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
WebServiceForm.js | 3.25 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
WfsGetFeature.js | 2.78 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
Widget.js | 790 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
WidgetBase.js | 3.75 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
WidgetBase.js.txt | 10.3 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
WidgetBaseWZ.js | 4.7 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
WidgetBaseXSL.js | 4.76 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
WktParser.js | 1.14 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
WmsCapabilitiesImport.js | 1.49 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
WmsCapabilitiesImport.xsl | 793 Bytes | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
XmlForm.xsl | 1.72 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
XmlSchemaForm.xsl | 3.3 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
ZoomIn.js | 1.65 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
ZoomOut.js | 1.52 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
owsMapPane.xsl | 5 KB | 3032 | over 18 years | perry | initial import of spatial libs, try2 |
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