


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
Abstract.xsl 1.95 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
AoiBox2.js 2.68 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
AoiBoxDHTML.js 5.28 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
AoiBoxWZ.js 3.47 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
AoiForm.js 2.96 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
AoiForm.xsl 2.14 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
AoiMetacatQuery.js 3.36 KB 3073 about 18 years perry Only run spatial cache regeneration once. Plus ...
AoiWFSQuery.js 3.6 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Back.js 1.09 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Button.js 581 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Button.xsl 1.78 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
ButtonBase.js 5.48 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
CatSearchForm.js 5.99 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
CatSearchForm.xsl 4.59 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
CdnWatershedForm.xsl 1.8 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
CollectionList.js 694 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
CollectionList.xsl 1.71 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
CursorTrack.js 9.07 KB 3106 about 18 years perry Changes to map layout and skins according to in...
CursorTrack.xsl 2.85 KB 3111 about 18 years perry shortened the latitude/longitude to lat/lon to ...
DeleteFeature.js 2.99 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
DragPan.js 1.73 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
EditButtonBase.js 3 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
EditLine.js 1.26 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
EditLine_1.js 1.85 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
EditPoint.js 1.17 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
EditPoint_1.js 1.54 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
EditPolygon.js 2.29 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
EventLog.xsl 1.99 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
FeatureInfo.js 918 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
FeatureInfo.xsl 2.08 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
FeatureList.js 887 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
FeatureList.xsl 2.33 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
FilterAttributes.js 685 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
FilterAttributes.xsl 1.96 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Forward.js 1.07 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
GetFeatureInfo.js 4.03 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Gml2ScreenCoords.xsl 1.61 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
GmlCooordinates2Coord.xsl 4.46 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
GmlPointRenderer.js 5.38 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
GmlRenderer.js 1.81 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
GmlRenderer.xsl 13.6 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
GmlRendererSVG.js 2.46 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
GmlRendererSVG.xsl 4.07 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
GmlRendererTest.js 1.09 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
GmlRendererTest.xsl 473 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
GmlRendererWKT.js 2.06 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
GmlRendererWKT.xsl 1.45 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
GmlRendererWZ.js 5.77 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
GmlRendererWZ.xsl 7.78 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
InsertFeature.js 3.19 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
LayerControl.js 2.05 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
LayerControl.xsl 3.88 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Legend.js 1.45 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Legend.xsl 4.48 KB 3119 about 18 years perry Fixed mapbuilder loading image when wms is down...
Loading.js 1.07 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Loading.xsl 563 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Loading2.js 4.4 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Locations.js 1.46 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Locations.xsl 1.66 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
MapContainerBase.js 8 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
MapImage.js 1.99 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
MapImage.xsl 403 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
MapPane.js 13.8 KB 3119 about 18 years perry Fixed mapbuilder loading image when wms is down...
MapPane.xsl 12 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
MapScaleBar.js 22.3 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
MapScaleText.js 3.2 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
MapScaleText.xsl 1.23 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
MapTitle.xsl 942 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
ModelStatus.js 976 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
ModelStatus.xsl 958 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
ModelSwitcher.js 1.43 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
ModelUrlInput.js 2.91 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
ModelUrlInput.xsl 1.29 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
NtsForm.xsl 1.78 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Null.xsl 364 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Reset.js 1.75 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Save.js 1.79 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
SaveModel.js 1.05 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
SaveModel.xsl 1.22 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
SearchForm.xsl 2.3 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
SelectAllMapLayers.xsl 1.04 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
SelectFeatureType.xsl 2.11 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
SelectMapLayers.xsl 2.24 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
SelectTimeFrame.js 1.24 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
SelectTimeFrame.xsl 1.51 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
ServiceRegistryList.js 1.69 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
ServiceRegistryList.xsl 3.5 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
SetAoi.js 1.02 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
TabbedContent.js 3.85 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
TabbedContent.xsl 1.13 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
TimeSeries.js 3.43 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Timestamp.js 843 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Timestamp.xsl 1.82 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
TransactionResponse.js 598 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
TransactionResponse.xsl 1.23 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Version.xsl 940 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
WebServiceForm.js 3.25 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
WfsGetFeature.js 2.78 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
Widget.js 790 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
WidgetBase.js 3.75 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
WidgetBase.js.txt 10.3 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
WidgetBaseWZ.js 4.7 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
WidgetBaseXSL.js 4.76 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
WktParser.js 1.14 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
WmsCapabilitiesImport.js 1.49 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
WmsCapabilitiesImport.xsl 793 Bytes 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
XmlForm.xsl 1.72 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
XmlSchemaForm.xsl 3.3 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
ZoomIn.js 1.65 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
ZoomOut.js 1.52 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2
owsMapPane.xsl 5 KB 3032 over 18 years perry initial import of spatial libs, try2

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