


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  com 71 almost 25 years higgins Catalog files from arbortext added
  edu 454 over 24 years berkley This allows for the easy handling of metacat://...
loaddtd.sql 512 Bytes 392 over 24 years Matt Jones Added script to register document types in the ...
loadstylesheets.sql 1.61 KB 434 over 24 years berkley added resource.xsl to the catalog
showdoc.sql 340 Bytes 390 over 24 years Matt Jones Added new utility query to return all of the xm...
sqlcatlist.sql 253 Bytes 123 almost 25 years Matt Jones Modifying storage model to use DOM TEXT nodes
sqldoclist.sql 205 Bytes 165 almost 25 years Matt Jones minor modifications to fix problems introduced ...
sqlnodeslist.sql 94 Bytes 108 almost 25 years Matt Jones added utility files and queries
sqlnodesview.sql 358 Bytes 166 almost 25 years Matt Jones minor modifications to fix problems introduced ...
sqlrevisions.sql 205 Bytes 203 over 24 years Matt Jones Merged in substantial changes to DBWriter and a...
xmlpackage.sql 1.94 KB 439 over 24 years berkley sql file defining the table structure for eml-p...
xmltables.sql 6.18 KB 450 over 24 years berkley added parentnodeid to xml_index table

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
454 09/15/2000 12:53 PM berkley

This allows for the easy handling of metacat:// urls. The documentation in the source code explains the specification for the url in detail.

453 09/15/2000 12:52 PM berkley

Added functionality for package specifications. metacatservlet now contains a new action called getrelateddocument that handles retrieving related documents using the metacatURL specification ( DBQuery contains new code in runQuery that embeds relation tags in the returned hashtable describing the documents related to each docid. querySpecification contains a new method which prints the sql that does the relation query.

452 09/14/2000 12:33 PM bojilova

store generated Access# in meta_file_id tag if there are any

451 09/13/2000 03:03 PM bojilova

fix bug in toXML() about getting output of XML document like:

450 09/13/2000 01:59 PM berkley

added parentnodeid to xml_index table

449 09/13/2000 01:57 PM berkley

added parentnodeid to xml_index

447 09/13/2000 01:09 PM bojilova

fix for "Document not found" err message on "getdocument" action

446 09/13/2000 01:07 PM bojilova

fix for "public" authentication

445 09/12/2000 01:38 PM bojilova

xml_documents.public_access modified to be
ie all documents to have public access by default

444 09/12/2000 12:42 PM berkley

removed print statments

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