


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  nceas 473 over 24 years berkley added support for urls of the form "metacat://s...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
473 09/27/2000 01:11 PM berkley

added support for urls of the form "metacat://"

471 09/26/2000 04:02 PM bojilova

Separate thread used for writing into xml_index table.
This cut the time of the response on insert almost in half.
The tread is started afterwards
(on end of document parsing and inserting into xml_nodes) from
DBSAXHandler and uses new(separate) db connection....

466 09/26/2000 03:07 PM berkley

This class syncronously indexes any package file that is loaded into the database.r

465 09/26/2000 03:06 PM berkley

Added backtrack functionality. Backtracking works by passing a returndoc parameter. There can be more than one. If a document that is hit by a query is not of type returndoc then it searches the database for a related file of type returndoc. If one is found it is displayed, if no relation is found, the original is displayed....

464 09/26/2000 01:03 PM bojilova

included new method getPoolSize()

463 09/20/2000 02:50 PM berkley

added extra timing information to the main() driver method.

462 09/20/2000 01:25 PM bojilova

fix the small bug with output like:
Fatal processing error

on hadleInsertOrUpdateAction()

461 09/20/2000 01:22 PM bojilova

writeDocID() not needed any more
throw SAXException from everywhere

460 09/20/2000 01:21 PM bojilova

on character(cbuf, start, len) included:
if currentNode.getTagName().equals("title")
instead of using:
currentDocument.setTitleFromChildElement() in endDocument() call

459 09/20/2000 01:15 PM bojilova

change Assession# generation to use the same db connection

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