


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  marine 433 over 24 years berkley no message 9.88 KB 476 over 24 years bojilova Changed to prevent the insertion if the provide... 1.63 KB 349 over 24 years Matt Jones Added "release" keyword to all metacat source f... 1.4 KB 349 over 24 years Matt Jones Added "release" keyword to all metacat source f... 6.03 KB 349 over 24 years Matt Jones Added "release" keyword to all metacat source f... 1.63 KB 349 over 24 years Matt Jones Added "release" keyword to all metacat source f... 5.56 KB 349 over 24 years Matt Jones Added "release" keyword to all metacat source f... 8.43 KB 349 over 24 years Matt Jones Added "release" keyword to all metacat source f... 28.1 KB 475 over 24 years berkley removed system.out.printlns 13.9 KB 483 over 24 years berkley allowed both indexing threads to run without in... 11.6 KB 471 over 24 years bojilova Separate thread used for writing into xml_index... 6.96 KB 349 over 24 years Matt Jones Added "release" keyword to all metacat source f... 6.23 KB 349 over 24 years Matt Jones Added "release" keyword to all metacat source f... 6.92 KB 413 over 24 years bojilova for getDoctypes() added WHERE entry_type='DTD' ... 9.76 KB 349 over 24 years Matt Jones Added "release" keyword to all metacat source f... 33.2 KB 465 over 24 years berkley Added backtrack functionality. Backtracking wo... 4.54 KB 388 over 24 years Matt Jones Modified the DBReader and ElementNode classes t... 1.38 KB 349 over 24 years Matt Jones Added "release" keyword to all metacat source f... 2.71 KB 349 over 24 years Matt Jones Added "release" keyword to all metacat source f... 41.2 KB 485 over 24 years berkley added code for getting stylized related documents 14.2 KB 446 over 24 years bojilova fix for "public" authentication 9.71 KB 464 over 24 years bojilova included new method getPoolSize() 2.79 KB 429 over 24 years Matt Jones Fixed document reading bug (bugzilla bug #111) ... 996 Bytes 388 over 24 years Matt Jones Modified the DBReader and ElementNode classes t... 1.67 KB 349 over 24 years Matt Jones Added "release" keyword to all metacat source f... 23.4 KB 465 over 24 years berkley Added backtrack functionality. Backtracking wo... 2.1 KB 349 over 24 years Matt Jones Added "release" keyword to all metacat source f... 7.79 KB 473 over 24 years berkley added support for urls of the form "metacat://s... 6.85 KB 483 over 24 years berkley allowed both indexing threads to run without in... 229 Bytes 213 over 24 years Matt Jones Added srbrmi classes for authentication support

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
485 10/03/2000 02:16 PM berkley

added code for getting stylized related documents

483 10/03/2000 12:55 PM berkley

allowed both indexing threads to run without interfering with each other.

478 09/29/2000 03:37 PM berkley

fixed bug that caused a nullPointerException when a null resultset was returned.

476 09/28/2000 11:05 AM bojilova

Changed to prevent the insertion if the provided Accession# is in use as Dan suggested.

475 09/27/2000 02:37 PM berkley

removed system.out.printlns

473 09/27/2000 01:11 PM berkley

added support for urls of the form "metacat://"

471 09/26/2000 04:02 PM bojilova

Separate thread used for writing into xml_index table.
This cut the time of the response on insert almost in half.
The tread is started afterwards
(on end of document parsing and inserting into xml_nodes) from
DBSAXHandler and uses new(separate) db connection....

466 09/26/2000 03:07 PM berkley

This class syncronously indexes any package file that is loaded into the database.r

465 09/26/2000 03:06 PM berkley

Added backtrack functionality. Backtracking works by passing a returndoc parameter. There can be more than one. If a document that is hit by a query is not of type returndoc then it searches the database for a related file of type returndoc. If one is found it is displayed, if no relation is found, the original is displayed....

464 09/26/2000 01:03 PM bojilova

included new method getPoolSize()

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