


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  images 4650 about 16 years ben leinfelder include demographic data if present in the data...
about.jsp 3.55 KB 4537 over 16 years ben leinfelder call it FIRST without the numerals
assessmentQuery.jsp 2.6 KB 4636 over 16 years ben leinfelder assessment title and type are now elements rath...
cart.jsp 7.04 KB 4791 about 16 years ben leinfelder correct spelling of "Assessment"
download.jsp 6.07 KB 4872 almost 16 years ben leinfelder Now doing the dataquery/download in the FIRST s...
first-assessment-resultset.xsl 16.6 KB 4872 almost 16 years ben leinfelder Now doing the dataquery/download in the FIRST s...
first-item-resultset.xsl 5.89 KB 4796 about 16 years ben leinfelder use "prompt" xpath that matches current QTI ser...
first-resultset.xsl 10.2 KB 4796 about 16 years ben leinfelder use "prompt" xpath that matches current QTI ser...
first.cfg 1.07 KB 3510 over 17 years ben leinfelder initial skin draft for FIRST project as metacat...
first.css 6.17 KB 4492 over 16 years ben leinfelder swap out new add/remove cart icons, ensure left...
first.js 8.07 KB 4484 over 16 years ben leinfelder redesign the look and feel - save point. -cart ... 1.67 KB 4659 about 16 years ben leinfelder add skin properties files so that first can be ... 287 Bytes 4659 about 16 years ben leinfelder add skin properties files so that first can be ...
first.xml 4.64 KB 4841 almost 16 years daigle Use only one eml common stylesheet directory fo...
footer.jsp 2.27 KB 4831 almost 16 years ben leinfelder include NSF grant number
header.jsp 4.88 KB 4536 over 16 years ben leinfelder call it the "Data Cart" instead of just the "Cart"
index.html 474 Bytes 4459 over 16 years Jing Tao Redirects to the index.jsp page.
index.jsp 6.58 KB 4636 over 16 years ben leinfelder assessment title and type are now elements rath...
left.jsp 1.58 KB 4492 over 16 years ben leinfelder swap out new add/remove cart icons, ensure left...
login.jsp 5.35 KB 4787 about 16 years ben leinfelder change "blah blah" to something more respectable
login.xsl 3.63 KB 4398 over 16 years ben leinfelder add login feature for first. integrates with ex...
right.jsp 1.58 KB 4492 over 16 years ben leinfelder swap out new add/remove cart icons, ensure left...
search.js 17.3 KB 4859 almost 16 years ben leinfelder include pivot options for dataquery

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
4872 03/26/2009 04:06 PM ben leinfelder

Now doing the dataquery/download in the FIRST skin's jsp rather than embedded in the Metacat servlet.
TODO: implement the very-custom data return format agreed upon by the FIRST team

4859 03/24/2009 04:36 PM ben leinfelder

include pivot options for dataquery

4841 03/13/2009 01:27 PM daigle

Use only one eml common stylesheet directory for all post 2.0.0 beta versions of eml. Point all eml versions to that directory in skin xml files.

4831 03/05/2009 01:29 PM ben leinfelder

include NSF grant number

4796 02/06/2009 11:45 AM ben leinfelder

use "prompt" xpath that matches current QTI serialization

4792 01/29/2009 02:15 PM ben leinfelder

handle case when there is a single question on the assessment

4791 01/29/2009 02:14 PM ben leinfelder

correct spelling of "Assessment"

4787 01/28/2009 05:16 PM ben leinfelder

change "blah blah" to something more respectable

4659 12/08/2008 02:36 PM ben leinfelder

add skin properties files so that first can be enabled as the default when configuring metacat in the admin interface.
note: not checking in the modifcation to file - that will remain a deployment-specific change and not included in the standard distribution

4653 12/08/2008 10:32 AM ben leinfelder

handle mixture of datapackages: some with demographic data, some without.
takes advantage of the [new] StaticSelectionItem feature in the datamanager

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