metacat/lib/spatial/openlayers/doc/Layer.GeoRSS.txt @ 5295
1 | 3032 | perry | OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS |
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3 | GeoRSS layer. Pass a name and location of a GeoRSS file on the web, and a marker will be added to the map for each item in the GeoRSS feed. Uses OpenLayers.loadURL to load the XML, parses the data, and adds markers to the map. The GeoRSS layer supports 1.0 and 2.0 in IE and Firefox, and supports 2.0 in Safari. (Ticket #111 explains the reason for this difference.) |
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6 | * Constructor |
7 | OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS(name, url) -- Name and location of GeoRSS XML file. |
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9 | * Methods |
10 | parseData(ajaxResponse) -- none -- Callback for the loadURL call. This function parses the XML for the GeoRSS feed, creating markers for the data and adding a popup to each marker. It populates an array of features as 'this.features'. |
11 | markerClick(Event) -- none -- Action to perform when a marker is clicked. |
12 | clearFeatures() -- none -- Removes all features and markers from the map. |