


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  common 5600 over 14 years ben leinfelder include css classes for skins (like default and...
  images 4410 over 16 years ben leinfelder make "add to cart" more obvious (with icon, too!)
  shared 5567 over 14 years ben leinfelder only surround main dataset with border to avoid...
  skins 5687 over 14 years ben leinfelder always open the top level node of the tree when...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
5687 12/02/2010 04:16 PM ben leinfelder

always open the top level node of the tree when it loads

5686 12/02/2010 11:38 AM ben leinfelder

do not show visual indication of "focused" tree - it looks random because it mostly is (at least when refeshing it with the current active domain - the calls are all asynchronous so we don't ever really know which one will be created last and therefore gain the focus)

5685 12/02/2010 11:29 AM ben leinfelder

load search results when page first loads (browsing - no query constraints)

5684 12/02/2010 11:16 AM ben leinfelder

remove special ">>" character from style sheet
use absolute path to the spinner animated gif

5678 12/01/2010 12:07 PM ben leinfelder

include busy spinner when loading search results

5677 12/01/2010 10:29 AM ben leinfelder

using div tags for the search results now (with some tables too)

5676 12/01/2010 10:06 AM ben leinfelder

commit before trying div-only resultset

5675 11/30/2010 05:44 PM ben leinfelder

hide/show search result details for each matched row.

5672 11/30/2010 03:34 PM ben leinfelder

-use a tab for search options
-search results are in their own container now
-jquery ui and semtools css share same corner radius
-removed form-based "link" in resultset xsl

5669 11/30/2010 02:12 PM ben leinfelder

use jquery UI tabs to separate the Measurement criteria from E,C,P

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