


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
banner_background.jpg 43.7 KB 3596 over 17 years walbridge Updated the NCEAS skin for various fixes: Rewr...
content_background.jpg 17.4 KB 3469 over 17 years walbridge NCEAS skin changes: moved images into subfolder...
footer_background.jpg 19.7 KB 3469 over 17 years walbridge NCEAS skin changes: moved images into subfolder...
icon_mailto.gif 327 Bytes 3469 over 17 years walbridge NCEAS skin changes: moved images into subfolder...
logo_msi.jpg 2.69 KB 3469 over 17 years walbridge NCEAS skin changes: moved images into subfolder...
logo_nsf.jpg 2.8 KB 3469 over 17 years walbridge NCEAS skin changes: moved images into subfolder...
logo_ucsb.jpg 3 KB 3469 over 17 years walbridge NCEAS skin changes: moved images into subfolder...
navigation_background.jpg 4.49 KB 3469 over 17 years walbridge NCEAS skin changes: moved images into subfolder...
nceas-logo.png 3.2 KB 3469 over 17 years walbridge NCEAS skin changes: moved images into subfolder...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
3596 11/20/2007 01:22 PM walbridge

Updated the NCEAS skin for various fixes: Rewrote the login XSLT to work correctly. Added a login status button to the page headers. Modified the header image to disable the global site search used on the NCEAS homepage. Removed former IFRAME cruft.

3469 09/25/2007 03:53 PM walbridge

NCEAS skin changes: moved images into subfolder for organization, moved search javascript into sea
rch.js to cut down on replication. Modifications to nceas.css and midnight.css to clean up integration of Drupal theme.

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