Revision 5743
Added by ben leinfelder over 14 years ago
lib/style/skins/semtools/resultset.xsl | ||
39 | 39 |
<xsl:param name="qformat">semtools</xsl:param> |
40 | 40 |
<xsl:param name="enableediting">false</xsl:param> |
41 | 41 |
<xsl:param name="contextURL"/> |
42 |
43 |
<xsl:param name="labelWidth">120</xsl:param> |
44 |
42 | 45 |
<xsl:template match="/"> |
43 | 46 |
<html> |
44 | 47 |
<head> |
... | ... | |
134 | 137 |
</xsl:attribute> |
135 | 138 |
136 | 139 |
<table class="onehundred_percent"> |
137 |
138 | 140 |
<tr> |
139 |
<td colspan="2">
141 |
<td> |
140 | 142 |
<!-- citation --> |
141 | 143 |
<xsl:call-template name="citation"/> |
142 | 144 |
</td> |
143 | 145 |
</tr> |
144 |
145 | 146 |
<tr> |
147 |
<td> |
148 |
<!-- keywords --> |
149 |
<xsl:call-template name="keywords"/> |
150 |
</td> |
151 |
</tr> |
152 |
<tr> |
146 | 153 |
147 | 154 |
<!-- annotation section --> |
148 |
<td width="50%">
155 |
<td> |
149 | 156 |
<!-- render the annotation --> |
150 | 157 |
<xsl:for-each select="./*[local-name()='annotation']"> |
151 | 158 |
<xsl:call-template name="annotation"> |
... | ... | |
154 | 161 |
</xsl:for-each> |
155 | 162 |
</td> |
156 | 163 |
157 |
<!-- EML section (div for padding) --> |
158 |
<td> |
159 |
<div class="subGroup"> |
160 |
<xsl:call-template name="emlDetails"/> |
161 |
</div> |
162 |
</td> |
163 |
164 | 164 |
</tr> |
165 |
166 | 165 |
</table> |
167 | 166 |
168 | 167 |
</div> |
... | ... | |
176 | 175 |
<xsl:template name="citation"> |
177 | 176 |
<table class="subGroup subGroup_border onehundred_percent"> |
178 | 177 |
<tr> |
179 |
<td class="rowodd"> |
178 |
<td class="rowodd" width="{$labelWidth}">
180 | 179 |
Citation: |
181 | 180 |
</td> |
182 | 181 |
<td class="roweven"> |
... | ... | |
218 | 217 |
</table> |
219 | 218 |
</xsl:template> |
220 | 219 |
221 |
<xsl:template name="emlDetails">
222 |
<!-- render the DP details -->
223 |
<table class="subGroup subGroup_border onehundred_percent"> |
220 |
<xsl:template name="keywords">
221 |
<!-- render the keywords -->
222 |
<table class="subGroup subGroup_border onehundred_percent">
224 | 223 |
<tr> |
225 |
<th> |
226 |
Owners |
227 |
</th> |
228 |
<th> |
229 |
Organizations |
230 |
</th> |
231 |
<th> |
232 |
Keywords |
233 |
</th> |
234 |
</tr> |
235 |
<tr> |
236 |
<td> |
237 |
<xsl:for-each |
238 |
select="./param[@name='creator/individualName/surName']"> |
239 |
<xsl:value-of select="." /> |
240 |
<br/> |
241 |
</xsl:for-each> |
224 |
<td class="rowodd" width="{$labelWidth}"> |
225 |
Keywords: |
242 | 226 |
</td> |
243 | 227 |
<td> |
244 |
245 |
228 |
229 |
<xsl:for-each select="./param[@name='keyword']">
246 | 230 |
<xsl:value-of select="." /> |
247 |
231 |
<xsl:if test="position() != last()">, </xsl:if>
248 | 232 |
</xsl:for-each> |
233 |
</p> |
249 | 234 |
</td> |
250 |
<td> |
251 |
<xsl:for-each |
252 |
select="./param[@name='keyword']"> |
253 |
<xsl:value-of select="." /> |
254 |
<br/> |
255 |
</xsl:for-each> |
256 |
</td> |
257 | 235 |
</tr> |
258 | 236 |
</table> |
259 | 237 |
</xsl:template> |
lib/style/skins/semtools/annotation-root.xsl | ||
39 | 39 |
<xsl:param name="qformat">semtools</xsl:param> |
40 | 40 |
<xsl:param name="enableediting">false</xsl:param> |
41 | 41 |
<xsl:param name="contextURL"/> |
42 |
43 | 42 |
<xsl:param name="tripleURI"><xsl:value-of select="$contextURL" /><![CDATA[/metacat?action=read&qformat=]]><xsl:value-of select="$qformat" /><![CDATA[&sessionid=]]><xsl:value-of select="$sessionid" /><![CDATA[&docid=]]></xsl:param> |
43 |
<xsl:param name="labelWidth">120</xsl:param> |
44 | 44 |
45 | 45 |
<xsl:key name="mapping" match="//*[local-name()='map']" use="concat(../@id, @measurement)" /> |
46 | 46 |
<xsl:key name="attributes" match="//*[local-name()='map']" use="concat(../@id, @attribute)" /> |
... | ... | |
134 | 134 |
<xsl:variable name="mapCount"> |
135 | 135 |
<xsl:value-of select="count(./*[local-name()='map'])"/> |
136 | 136 |
</xsl:variable> |
137 |
<td class="rowodd" width="33%">
137 |
<td class="rowodd" width="{$labelWidth}">
138 | 138 |
Data Table <xsl:value-of select="./@dataTable"/>: |
139 | 139 |
</td> |
140 | 140 |
<td class="roweven"> |
... | ... | |
152 | 152 |
</td> |
153 | 153 |
</tr> |
154 | 154 |
<tr> |
155 |
<td class="rowodd"> |
155 |
<td class="rowodd" width="{$labelWidth}">
156 | 156 |
Data Package: |
157 | 157 |
</td> |
158 | 158 |
<td class="roweven"> |
... | ... | |
187 | 187 |
</th> |
188 | 188 |
</tr> |
189 | 189 |
<tr> |
190 |
<td class="rowodd"> |
190 |
<td class="rowodd" width="{$labelWidth}">
191 | 191 |
Entity: |
192 | 192 |
</td> |
193 | 193 |
<td class="roweven"> |
... | ... | |
203 | 203 |
</tr> |
204 | 204 |
205 | 205 |
<tr> |
206 |
<td class="rowodd"> |
206 |
<td class="rowodd" width="{$labelWidth}">
207 | 207 |
Ontology: |
208 | 208 |
</td> |
209 | 209 |
<td class="roweven"> |
... | ... | |
224 | 224 |
</th> |
225 | 225 |
</tr> |
226 | 226 |
<tr> |
227 |
<td class="rowodd"> |
227 |
<td class="rowodd" width="{$labelWidth}">
228 | 228 |
Column: |
229 | 229 |
</td> |
230 | 230 |
<td class="roweven"> |
... | ... | |
237 | 237 |
</td> |
238 | 238 |
</tr> |
239 | 239 |
<tr> |
240 |
<td class="rowodd"> |
240 |
<td class="rowodd" width="{$labelWidth}">
241 | 241 |
Characteristic[s]: |
242 | 242 |
</td> |
243 | 243 |
<td class="roweven"> |
... | ... | |
254 | 254 |
</td> |
255 | 255 |
</tr> |
256 | 256 |
<tr> |
257 |
<td class="rowodd"> |
257 |
<td class="rowodd" width="{$labelWidth}">
258 | 258 |
Standard: |
259 | 259 |
</td> |
260 | 260 |
<td class="roweven"> |
... | ... | |
269 | 269 |
</td> |
270 | 270 |
</tr> |
271 | 271 |
<tr> |
272 |
<td class="rowodd"> |
272 |
<td class="rowodd" width="{$labelWidth}">
273 | 273 |
Protocol: |
274 | 274 |
</td> |
275 | 275 |
<td class="roweven"> |
... | ... | |
341 | 341 |
</xsl:template> |
342 | 342 |
343 | 343 |
<xsl:template name="modelSummary"> |
344 |
<table class="subGroup subGroup_border"> |
344 |
<table class="subGroup subGroup_border onehundred_percent">
345 | 345 |
<tr> |
346 | 346 |
<th colspan="2"> |
347 | 347 |
Attribute Summary |
Also available in: Unified diff
-remove owner/org metadata but leave keywords
-include labelWidth param for formatting the left hand labels