


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  ESAHeaderSlices 2835 about 19 years sgarg Removing old graphics files
ESAHeader.jsp 7.97 KB 4698 about 16 years daigle Renamed MetaCatUtil to MetacatUtil
ESAHeader.png 412 KB 2691 over 19 years bowdish this file is used in Fireworks to make the head...
ESAHeaderDocs.png 427 KB 2789 over 19 years bowdish updated to work with the moderator
esa-login.xsl 5.59 KB 5710 over 14 years ben leinfelder include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query...
esa-logo.gif 8.29 KB 2258 over 20 years Matt Jones Modifications to the registry to support the ne...
esa-resultset.xsl 14.5 KB 5985 about 14 years ben leinfelder restyle the resultset after applying new eml cs...
esa.css 7.42 KB 5985 about 14 years ben leinfelder restyle the resultset after applying new eml cs...
esa.js 7.94 KB 3780 almost 17 years daigle Changes to remove ANT tokens for the turnkey in... 1.89 KB 4788 about 16 years daigle Remove moderators from esa skin configuration. ... 5.38 KB 4788 about 16 years daigle Remove moderators from esa skin configuration. ...
esa.xml 4.23 KB 5710 over 14 years ben leinfelder include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query...
header.jsp 15.1 KB 5984 about 14 years ben leinfelder check for 'null' as well as 'public' user when ...
index.html 488 Bytes 4933 almost 16 years daigle Add redirect to skins directory.
index.jsp 15.4 KB 5816 about 14 years ben leinfelder include 'value' translations when searching EML...
map.jsp 2.11 KB 5861 about 14 years ben leinfelder use OpenLayers implementation for rendering map...
moderator.jsp 5.22 KB 4158 over 16 years daigle Get organization list from new OrganizationUtil...
searchform.jsp 2.83 KB 5710 over 14 years ben leinfelder include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
5985 02/17/2011 05:16 PM ben leinfelder

restyle the resultset after applying new eml css
use more robust form-submission js for the datapackage links

5984 02/17/2011 04:30 PM ben leinfelder

check for 'null' as well as 'public' user when rendering the header Login/Logout option

5983 02/17/2011 03:44 PM ben leinfelder

restyle default eml rendering using ESA look + feel

5861 01/28/2011 03:53 PM ben leinfelder

use OpenLayers implementation for rendering map/spatial search

5816 01/18/2011 05:04 PM ben leinfelder

include 'value' translations when searching EML 2.1.1 (squery and query actions)

5710 12/09/2010 10:04 AM ben leinfelder

include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query search, mostly)

5311 04/14/2010 11:31 AM daigle

Merge 1.9.2 changes back into the trunk

5202 01/27/2010 09:51 AM daigle

Populate esa home links with skin property value

4933 04/23/2009 09:35 AM daigle

Add redirect to skins directory.

4841 03/13/2009 01:27 PM daigle

Use only one eml common stylesheet directory for all post 2.0.0 beta versions of eml. Point all eml versions to that directory in skin xml files.

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