close prepared statement only if not null
Use accessblock in setaccess method. So user can grant/revoke public readable access.
ensure that the revision list is ordered ascending in case someone changes the sql query without realizing that it matters...
set the byte size of the ORE map before adding it
set/update the obsoletes/obsoletedBy fields in system metadata so that we always have a complete revision history for each object.Note: ORE maps do not have revision history...yet(?)
order the revision list, ascending.
removing unused class -- can't find a reference to it and it's causing compilation errors for me.
for "all" permission, return a list of READ, WRITE, CHANGE_PERMISSION
generating ORE maps and creating/updating system metadata now. There are some Permission conversion issues to be worked out yet
look up access policy by guid or local idTODO: resolve the Metacat/EML "all" permission as it relates to DataONE (there is only READ, WRITE, CHANGE_PERMISSION). for now I am using CHANGE_PERMISSION when it is a Metacat "all"
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