1 |
.. raw:: latex
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Identifier Management
7 |
8 |
9 |
.. index:: Identifiers
10 |
11 |
12 |
Matthew B. Jones
13 |
14 |
15 |
- 20100301 [MBJ] Initial draft of Identifier documentation
16 |
17 |
18 |
Extend Metacat to support identifiers with arbitrary syntax
19 |
20 |
21 |
Metacat currently supports identifier strings called 'docids' that have
22 |
the syntax 'scope.object.revision', such as 'foo.34.1' (we will refer to
23 |
these as 'LocalIDs'). We now want Metacat to support identifiers that are
24 |
arbitrary strings, but still enforce uniqueness and proper revision
25 |
handling (refer to these as GUIDs). Metacat must be able to accept
26 |
these strings as identifiers for all CRUD operations, and reference them
27 |
in search results.
28 |
29 |
Identifier Resolution
30 |
31 |
Because Metacat uses LocalIDs throughout the code for references to objects,
32 |
and that LocalID has a constrained structure that includes semantics about
33 |
revisions in the identifier, it is difficult to wholesale replace it with
34 |
less-constrained string identifiers without re-writing much of Metacat.
35 |
Thus, our alternate strategy is to wrap the Metacat APIs with a
36 |
identifier resolution layer that keeps track of the unconstrained GUIDs and
37 |
maps them to constrained local identifiers which are used internally within
38 |
Metacat. The basic identifer table model is shown in Figure 1, while the
39 |
basic strategy for retrieving an object is shown in Figure 2, creating an
40 |
object is shown in Figure 3, updating an object in Figure 4, and deleting
41 |
an object is shown in Figure 5.
42 |
43 |
44 |
Identifier Table Structure
45 |
46 |
47 |
.. figure:: images/identifiers.png
48 |
49 |
Figure 1. Table structure for identifiers.
50 |
51 |
52 |
This block defines the table structure diagram referenced above.
53 |
@startuml images/identifiers.png
54 |
55 |
identifiers "*" -- "1" xml_documents
56 |
57 |
identifiers : String identifier
58 |
identifiers : String docid
59 |
identifiers : Integer rev
60 |
61 |
xml_documents : String docid
62 |
xml_documents : String rev
63 |
64 |
note right of identifiers
65 |
"identifiers.(docid,rev) is a foreign key into xml_documents"
66 |
end note
67 |
68 |
69 |
.. raw:: latex
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
.. raw:: pdf
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
Handling document read operations
79 |
80 |
81 |
An overview of the process needed to read an object using a GUID.
82 |
83 |
84 |
.. figure:: images/guid_read.png
85 |
86 |
Figure 2. Basic handling for string identifiers (GUIDs) as mapped to
87 |
docids (LocalIDs) to retrieve an object.
88 |
89 |
90 |
@startuml images/guid_read.png
91 |
!include plantuml.conf
92 |
actor User
93 |
participant "Client" as app_client << Application >>
94 |
participant "CRUD API" as c_crud << MetacatRestServlet >>
95 |
participant "Identifier Manager" as ident_man << IdentifierManager >>
96 |
participant "Handler" as handler << MetacatHandler >>
97 |
User -> app_client
98 |
app_client -> c_crud: get(token, GUID)
99 |
c_crud -> ident_man: getLocalID(GUID)
100 |
c_crud <-- ident_man: localID
101 |
c_crud -> handler: handleReadAction(localID)
102 |
c_crud <-- handler: object
103 |
c_crud --> app_client: object
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
Handling document create operations
108 |
109 |
110 |
An overview of the process needed to create an object using a GUID.
111 |
112 |
.. figure:: images/guid_insert.png
113 |
114 |
Figure 3. Basic handling for string identifiers (GUIDs) as mapped to
115 |
docids (LocalIDs) to create an object.
116 |
117 |
118 |
@startuml images/guid_insert.png
119 |
!include plantuml.conf
120 |
actor User
121 |
participant "Client" as app_client << Application >>
122 |
participant "CRUD API" as c_crud << MetacatRestServlet >>
123 |
participant "Identifier Manager" as ident_man << IdentifierManager >>
124 |
participant "Handler" as handler << MetacatHandler >>
125 |
User -> app_client
126 |
app_client -> c_crud: create(token, GUID, object, sysmeta)
127 |
c_crud -> ident_man: identifierExists(GUID)
128 |
c_crud <-- ident_man: T or F
129 |
alt identifierExists == "F"
130 |
c_crud -> ident_man: mapToLocalId(GUID)
131 |
c_crud <-- ident_man: localID
132 |
c_crud -> handler: handleInsertAction(localID)
133 |
c_crud <-- handler: success
134 |
note right of c_crud
135 |
"Also need to address how to handle the sysmeta information wrt insertion methods"
136 |
end note
137 |
app_client <-- c_crud: success
138 |
else identifierExists == "T"
139 |
app_client <-- c_crud: IdentifierNotUnique
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 |
Handling document update operations
144 |
145 |
146 |
An overview of the process needed to update an object using a GUID.
147 |
148 |
.. figure:: images/guid_update.png
149 |
150 |
Figure 4. Basic handling for string identifiers (GUIDs) as mapped to
151 |
docids (LocalIDs) to update an object.
152 |
153 |
154 |
@startuml images/guid_update.png
155 |
!include plantuml.conf
156 |
actor User
157 |
participant "Client" as app_client << Application >>
158 |
participant "CRUD API" as c_crud << MetacatRestServlet >>
159 |
participant "Identifier Manager" as ident_man << IdentifierManager >>
160 |
participant "Handler" as handler << MetacatHandler >>
161 |
User -> app_client
162 |
app_client -> c_crud: update(token, GUID, object, obsoletedGUID, sysmeta)
163 |
164 |
c_crud -> ident_man: identifierExists(obsoletedGUID)
165 |
c_crud <-- ident_man: T or F
166 |
alt identifierExists == "T"
167 |
168 |
c_crud -> ident_man: identifierExists(GUID)
169 |
c_crud <-- ident_man: T or F
170 |
alt identifierExists == "F"
171 |
c_crud -> ident_man: mapToLocalId(GUID, obsoletedGUID)
172 |
c_crud <-- ident_man: localID
173 |
c_crud -> handler: handleUpdateAction(localID)
174 |
c_crud <-- handler: success
175 |
note right of c_crud
176 |
"Also need to address how to handle the sysmeta information wrt update methods"
177 |
end note
178 |
app_client <-- c_crud: success
179 |
else identifierExists == "T"
180 |
app_client <-- c_crud: IdentifierNotUnique
181 |
182 |
else identifierExists == "F"
183 |
app_client <-- c_crud: NotFound
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
Handling document delete operations
188 |
189 |
190 |
An overview of the process needed to delete an object using a GUID.
191 |
192 |
.. figure:: images/guid_delete.png
193 |
194 |
Figure 5. Basic handling for string identifiers (GUIDs) as mapped to
195 |
docids (LocalIDs) to delete an object.
196 |
197 |
198 |
@startuml images/guid_delete.png
199 |
!include plantuml.conf
200 |
actor User
201 |
participant "Client" as app_client << Application >>
202 |
participant "CRUD API" as c_crud << MetacatRestServlet >>
203 |
participant "Identifier Manager" as ident_man << IdentifierManager >>
204 |
participant "Handler" as handler << MetacatHandler >>
205 |
User -> app_client
206 |
app_client -> c_crud: delete(token, GUID)
207 |
c_crud -> ident_man: identifierExists(GUID)
208 |
c_crud <-- ident_man: T or F
209 |
alt identifierExists == "T"
210 |
c_crud -> ident_man: mapToLocalId(GUID)
211 |
c_crud <-- ident_man: localID
212 |
c_crud -> handler: handleDeleteAction(localID)
213 |
c_crud <-- handler: success
214 |
app_client <-- c_crud: success
215 |
else identifierExists == "F"
216 |
app_client <-- c_crud: NotFound
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 |
This block defines the interaction diagram referenced above.
222 |
startuml images/01_interaction.png
223 |
!include plantuml.conf
224 |
actor User
225 |
participant "Client" as app_client << Application >>
226 |
User -> app_client
227 |
228 |
participant "CRUD API" as c_crud << Coordinating Node >>
229 |
activate c_crud
230 |
app_client -> c_crud: resolve(GUID, auth_token)
231 |
participant "Authorization API" as c_authorize << Coordinating Node >>
232 |
c_crud -> c_authorize: isAuth(auth_token, GUID)
233 |
participant "Verify API" as c_ver << Coordinating Node >>
234 |
c_authorize -> c_ver: isValidToken (token)
235 |
c_authorize <-- c_ver: T or F
236 |
c_crud <-- c_authorize: T or F
237 |
app_client <-- c_crud: handle_list
238 |
deactivate c_crud
239 |
240 |
participant "CRUD API" as m_crud << Member Node >>
241 |
activate m_crud
242 |
app_client -> m_crud: get(auth_token, handle)
243 |
participant "Server Authentication API" as m_authenticate << Member Node >>
244 |
m_crud -> m_authenticate: isAuth(auth_token, GUID)
245 |
m_crud <-- m_authenticate: T or F
246 |
m_crud -> m_crud: log(get, UserID, GUID)
247 |
app_client <-- m_crud: object or unauth or doesNotExist
248 |
deactivate m_crud
249 |