metacat/src/rollback-db-from-1.9-postgres.sql @ 6839
1 | 4818 | daigle | /*
2 | * drop db_version -- table to store the version history of this database
3 | */
4 | DROP TABLE db_version; |
5 | DROP SEQUENCE db_version_id_seq; |
6 | |||
7 | DELETE FROM xml_catalog |
8 | WHERE entry_type = 'Schema' |
9 | AND public_id = '@eml2_1_0namespace@' |
10 | AND system_id = '/schema/eml-2.1.0/eml.xsd'; |
11 | |||
12 | DELETE FROM xml_catalog |
13 | WHERE entry_type = 'Schema' |
14 | AND public_id = '' |
15 | AND system_id = '/schema/RegistryService/RegistryEntryType.xsd'; |