


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  dbadapter 5030 over 15 years daigle Change location of PropertyService to propertie...
  metacat 7151 almost 13 years ben leinfelder [optionally] do not archive the xml_documents a...
  protocols 3077 about 18 years Matt Jones Removed the @release@ ant token from all files ...
  shared 5015 over 15 years daigle Create database and shared directories for data...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
7151 05/01/2012 09:18 AM ben leinfelder

[optionally] do not archive the xml_documents and xml_nodes to *_revisions when 'deleting' a document. This will effectively guarantee that the document/data cannot be retrieved after delete.
NOTE: D1 system metadata will persist (for now) so that the ID cannot be reused with the DataONE API but Metacat calls may allow the ID to be reused -- may need to reconsider this behavior....

7150 04/30/2012 04:03 PM ben leinfelder

optionally remove the document/data file from the filesystem completely when 'deleting' it.

7149 04/30/2012 03:42 PM ben leinfelder

newer d1 jars that include shared AuthUtilsmethod for isAuthorized() consistency

7148 04/30/2012 03:35 PM ben leinfelder

implement MN and CN.archive() method -- really just the existing delete() methods.

7147 04/30/2012 03:05 PM ben leinfelder

call MN.delete() for each replica when CN.delete() is called

7146 04/30/2012 02:20 PM ben leinfelder

defer to AuthUtils for flattening out the equivIdent subject list.

7145 04/27/2012 10:24 AM ben leinfelder

check normal access control rules for getSystemMetadata before deferring to MN replica information that may grant MNs additional access to the SM.

7144 04/25/2012 03:33 PM ben leinfelder

include Session-less interface methods and updated jars that define them.

7143 04/24/2012 10:42 AM ben leinfelder

use a shared ExecutorService for replicate() calls.

7142 04/19/2012 02:04 PM ben leinfelder

remove extraneous pid and permission parameters from isAdminAuthorized() method and make public so that it can be called in other locations - namely before our asynchronous replicate() implementation on the MN.

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