correct log about 'archive' being called
handle 'archive' rest calls
[optionally] do not archive the xml_documents and xml_nodes to *_revisions when 'deleting' a document. This will effectively guarantee that the document/data cannot be retrieved after delete.NOTE: D1 system metadata will persist (for now) so that the ID cannot be reused with the DataONE API but Metacat calls may allow the ID to be reused -- may need to reconsider this behavior....
optionally remove the document/data file from the filesystem completely when 'deleting' it.
newer d1 jars that include shared AuthUtilsmethod for isAuthorized() consistency
implement MN and CN.archive() method -- really just the existing delete() methods.
call MN.delete() for each replica when CN.delete() is called
defer to AuthUtils for flattening out the equivIdent subject list.
check normal access control rules for getSystemMetadata before deferring to MN replica information that may grant MNs additional access to the SM.
include Session-less interface methods and updated jars that define them.
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