expose serverLocation parameter to run GenerateSystemMetadata for different replication parters as needed.https://redmine.dataone.org/issues/2740
only generate system metadata for original objects.https://redmine.dataone.org/issues/2721
handle authorization for delete() differently for CN vs MN.On the CN, only the CN (or tbd admin user) can call it.On the MN, both the CN (or admin user) and the same MN can call it.
add Session-less archive() method
only admin users can call MN/CN.delete(). This is limited to any CN and only the MN that is calling itself
update the sysmeta data modified when setting archived=truehttps://redmine.dataone.org/issues/882
handle CN.archive() rest call: PUT /archive/{pid}https://redmine.dataone.org/issues/2678
correct log about 'archive' being called
handle 'archive' rest callshttps://redmine.dataone.org/issues/2678
[optionally] do not archive the xml_documents and xml_nodes to *_revisions when 'deleting' a document. This will effectively guarantee that the document/data cannot be retrieved after delete.NOTE: D1 system metadata will persist (for now) so that the ID cannot be reused with the DataONE API but Metacat calls may allow the ID to be reused -- may need to reconsider this behavior....
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