


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  dbadapter 5030 over 15 years daigle Change location of PropertyService to propertie...
  metacat 7318 over 12 years ben leinfelder check for invalid (!) pids. thanks, M. Reyes fo...
  protocols 3077 over 18 years Matt Jones Removed the @release@ ant token from all files ...
  shared 5015 over 15 years daigle Create database and shared directories for data...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
7318 07/17/2012 01:34 PM ben leinfelder

check for invalid (!) pids. thanks, M. Reyes for catching this

7317 07/17/2012 12:06 PM ben leinfelder

only look up the client timeout property once, not every time we make a call

7316 07/17/2012 11:46 AM ben leinfelder

improve content type handling during the get() calls

7315 07/17/2012 11:09 AM ben leinfelder

check for whitespace in identifiers during create() and update()

7313 07/17/2012 10:19 AM ben leinfelder

configurable replication client timeout

7310 07/13/2012 07:57 AM ben leinfelder

order the listObjects() results by identifier to mitigate random paged results

7309 07/12/2012 04:04 PM ben leinfelder

correct the parameter/value setting in the prepared statements for retrieving log information.

7307 07/12/2012 12:21 PM ben leinfelder

use docid, not the guid when returning the accesscontrol block

7299 07/10/2012 02:12 PM ben leinfelder

include dataone.ore.downloaddata as a configurable property in case MNs (like LTER) want to have the process download externally-stored data files described in an EML data package.

7297 07/10/2012 10:20 AM ben leinfelder

set date SM modified when we are setting obsoletes/obsoletedBy/archived values. This way the CN can actualy pick up the changes in revision history.

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