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DataONE Member Node Support
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DataONE_ is a federation of data repositories that aims to improve
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interoperability among data repository software systems and advance the
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preservation of scientific data for future use.
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Metacat deployments can be configured to participate in DataONE_. This
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chapter describes the DataONE_ data federation, its architecture, and the
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way in which Metacat can be used to participate as a node in the DataONE system.
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.. _DataONE: http://dataone.org/
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What is DataONE?
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The DataONE_ project is a collaboration among scientists, technologists, librarians,
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and social scientists to build a robust, interoperable, and sustainable system for
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preserving and accessing Earth observational data at national and global scales.
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Supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, DataONE partners focus on
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technological, financial, and organizational sustainability approaches to
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building a distributed network of data repositories that are fully interoperable,
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even when those repositories use divergent underlying software and support different
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data and metadata content standards. DataONE defines a common web-service service
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programming interface that allows the main software components of the DataONE system
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to seamlessly communicate. The components of the DataONE system include:
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* DataONE Service Interface
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* Member Nodes
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* Coordinating Nodes
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* Investigator Toolkit
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Metacat implements the services needed to operate as a DataONE Member Node,
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as described below. The service interface then allows many different scientific
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software tools for data management, analysis, visualization and other parts of
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the scientific lifecycle to directly communicate with Metacat without being
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further specialized beyond the support needed for DataONE. This streamlines the
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process of writing scientific software both for servers and client tools.
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The DataONE Service Interface
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DataONE acheives interoperability by defining a lightweight but powerful set of
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REST_ web services that can be implemented by various data management software
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systems to allow those systems to effectively communicate with one another,
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exchange data, metadata, and other scientific objects. This `DataONE Service Interface`_
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is an open standard that defines the communication protocols and technical
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expectations for software components that wish to participate in the DataONE
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federation. This service interface is divided into `four distinct tiers`_, with the
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intention that any given software system may implement only those tiers that are
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relevant to their repository; for example, a data aggregator might only implement
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the Tier 1 interfaces that provide anonymous access to public data sets, while
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a complete data management system like Metacat can implement all four tiers:
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1. **Tier 1:** Read-only, anonymous data access
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2. **Tier 2:** Read-only, with authentication and access control
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3. **Tier 3:** Full Write access
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4. **Tier 4:** Replication target services
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.. _REST: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer
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.. _DataONE Service Interface: http://releases.dataone.org/online/d1-architecture-1.0.0
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.. _four distinct tiers: http://releases.dataone.org/online/d1-architecture-1.0.0/apis/index.html
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Member Nodes
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In DataONE, Member Nodes represent the core of the network, in that they represent
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particular scientific communities, manage and preserve their data and metadata, and
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provide tools to their community for contributing, managing, and accessing data.
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DataONE provides a standard way for these individual repositories to interact, and helps
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to coordinate among the Member Nodes in the federation. This allows Member Nodes
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to provide services to each other, such as replication of data for backup and failover.
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To be a Member Node, a repository must implement the Member Node service interface,
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and then register with DataONE. Metacat provides this implementation automatically,
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and provides an easy configuration option to register a Metacat instance as a
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DataONE Member Node (see configuration section below). If you are deploying a Metacat
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instance, it is relatively simple to become a Member Node, but keep in mind that
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DataONE is aiming for longevity and preservation, and so is selecting for nodes
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that have long-term data preservation as part of their mission.
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Coordinating Nodes
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The DataONE Coordinating Nodes provide a set of services to Member Nodes that
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allow Member Nodes to easily interact with one another and to provide a unified
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view of the whole DataONE Federation. The main services provided by Coordinating
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Nodes are:
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* Global search index for all metadata and web portal for data discovery
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* Resolution service to map unique identifiers to the Member Nodes that hold data
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* Authentication against a shared set of accounts based on CILogon_ and InCommon_
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* Replication management services to reliably replicate data according to
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policies set by the Member Nodes
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* Fixity checking to ensure that preserved objects remain valid
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* Member Node registration and management
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* Aggregated logging for data access across the whole federation
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Three geographically distributed Coordinating Nodes replicate these coordinating
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services at UC Santa Barbara, the University of New Mexico, and the Oak Ridge Campus.
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Coordinating Nodes are set up in a fully redundant manner, such that any of the coordinating
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nodes can be offline and the others will continue to provide availability of the services
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without interruption. The DataONE services expose their services at::
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And the DataONE search portal is available at:
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.. _CILogon: http://www.cilogon.org
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.. _InCommon: http://incommon.org
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Investigator Toolkit
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In order to provide scientists with convenient access to the data and metadata in
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DataONE, the third component represents a library of software tools that have been
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adapted to work with DataONE via the service interface and can be used to
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discover, manage, analyze, and visualize data in DataONE. For example, DataONE
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plans to release metadata editors (e.g., Morpho), data search tools (e.g., Mercury),
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data access tools (e.g., ONEDrive), and data analysis tools (e.g., R) that all
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know how to interact with DataONE Member Nodes and Coordinating Nodes. Consequently,
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scientists will be able to access data from any DataONE Member Node, such as a Metacat
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node, directly from within the R environment. In addition, software tools that
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are written to work with one Member Node should also work with others, thereby
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greatly increasing the efficiency of creating an entire toolkit of software that
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is useful to investigators.
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Because DataONE services are REST web services, software written in any
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programming language can be adapted to interact with DataONE.
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In addition, to ease the process of adapting tools to work with DataONE, libraries
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are provided for common programming languages such as Java (d1-libclient-java)
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and Python (d1_libclient-python) are provided that allow simple function calls
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to be used to access any DataONE service.
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Configuring Metacat as a Member Node
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Configuring Metacat as a DataONE Member Node is accomplished with the standard
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Metacat Administrative configuration utility. To access the utility, visit the
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following URL::
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where ``<yourhost.org>`` represents the hostname of your webserver running metacat,
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and ``<context>`` is the name of the web context in which Metacat was installed.
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Once at the administrative utility, click on the DataONE configuration link, which
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should show the following screen:
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.. figure:: images/screenshots/screen-dataone-config.png
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:align: center
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The configuration screen for configuring Metacat as a DataONE node.
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To configure Metacat as a node in the DataONE network, configure the properties shown
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in the figure above. The Node Name should be a short name for the node that can
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be used in user interface displays that list the node. For example, one node in
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DataONE is the 'Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity'. Also provide a brief sentence
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or two describing the node, including its intended scope and purpose.
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The Node Identifier field is a unique identifier assigned by DataONE to identify
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this node even when the node changes physical locations over time. After Metacat
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registers with the DataONE Coordinating Nodes (when you click 'Register' at the
159 |
bottom of this form), the Node Identifier should not be changed. **It is critical that
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you not change the Node Identifier after registration**, as that will break the connection with the
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DataONE network. Changing this field should only happen in the rare case
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in which a new Metacat instance is being established to act as the provider for an
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existing DataONE Member Node, in which case the field can be edited to set it to
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the value of a valid, existing Node Identifier.
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The Node Subject and Node Certificate Path are linked fields that are critical for
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proper operation of the node. To act as a Member Node in DataONE, you must obtain
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an X.509 certificate that can be used to identify this node and allow it to securely
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communicate using SSL with other nodes and client applications. This certificate can
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be obtained from the DataONE Certificate Authority.
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Once you have the certificate in hand, use a tool such
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as ``openssl`` to determine the exact subject distinguished name in the
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certificate, and use that to set the Node Subject field. Set the Node
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Certificate Path to the location on the system in which you stored the
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certificate file. Be sure to protect the certificate file, as it contains the
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private key that is used to authenticate this node within DataONE.
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.. Note::
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For Tier 2 deployments and above, the Metacat Member Node must have Apache configured to request
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client certificates. Detailed instructions are included at the end of this chapter.
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The ``Enable DataONE Services`` checkbox allows the administrator to decide whether to
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turn on synchronization with the DataONE network. When this box is unchecked, the
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DataONE Coordinating Nodes will not attempt to synchronize at all, but when checked,
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then DataONE will periodically contact the node to synchronize all metadata content.
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To be part of the DataONE network, this box must be checked as that allows
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DataONE to receive a copy of the metadata associated with each object in the Metacat
189 |
system. The switch is provided for those rare cases when a node needs to be disconnected
190 |
from DataONE for maintenance or service outages. When the box is checked, DataONE
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contacts the node using the schedule provided in the ``Synchronization Schedule``
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fields. The example in the dialog above has synchronization occurring once every third
193 |
minutes at the 10 second mark of those minutes. The syntax for these schedules
194 |
follows the Quartz Crontab Entry syntax, which provides for many flexible schedule
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configurations. If the administrator desires a less frequent schedule, such as daily,
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that can be configured by changing the ``*`` in the ``Hours`` field to be a concrete
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hour (such as ``11``) and the ``Minutes`` field to a concrete value like``15``,
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which would change the schedule to synchronize at 11:15 am daily.
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The Replication section is used to configure replication options for the node
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overall and for objects stored in Metacat. The ``Accept and Store Replicas``
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checkbox is used to indicate that the administrator of this node is willing to allow
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replica data and metadata from other Member Nodes to be stored on this node. We
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encourage people to allow replication to their nodes, as this increases the
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scalability and flexibility of the network overall. The three "Default" fields set
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the default values for the replication policies for data and metadata on this node
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that are generated when System Metadata is not available for an object (such as when
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it originates from a client that is not DataONE compliant). The ``Default Number of
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Replicas`` determines how many replica copies of the object should be stored on
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other Member Nodes. A value of 0 or less indicates that no replicas should be
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stored. In addition, you can specify a list of nodes that are either preferred for
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use when choosing replica nodes, or that are blocked from use as replica nodes.
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This allows Member Nodes to set up bidirectional agreements with partner nodes to
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replicate data across their sites. The values for both ``Default Preferred Nodes``
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and ``Default Blocked Nodes`` is a comma-separated list of NodeReference identifiers
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that were assigned to the target nodes by DataONE.
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Once these parameters have been properly set, us the ``Register`` button to
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request to register with the DataONE Coordinating Node. This will generate a
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registration document describing this Metacat instance and send it to the
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Coordinating Node registration service. At that point, all that remains is to wait for
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the DataONE administrators to approve the node registration. Details of the approval
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process can be found on the `DataONE web site`_.
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.. _DataONE web site: http://www.dataone.org
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Access Control Policies
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Metacat has supported fine grained access control for objects in the system since
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its inception. DataONE has devised a simple but effective access control system
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that is compatible with the prior system in Metacat. For each object in the DataONE
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system (including data objects, scientific metadata objects, and resource maps),
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a SystemMetadata_ document describes the critical metadata needed to manage that
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object in the system. This metadata includes a ``RightsHolder`` field and an
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``AuthoritativeMemberNode`` field that are used to list the people and node that
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have ultimate control over the disposition of the object. In addition, a separate
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AccessPolicy_ can be included in the ``SystemMetadata`` for the object. This ``AccessPolicy``
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consists of a set of rules that grant additional permissions to other people,
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groups, and systems in DataONE. For example, for one data file, two users
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(Alice and Bob) may be able make changes to the object, and the general public may
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be allowed to read the object. In the absence of explicit rules extending these permissions,
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Metacat enforces the rule that only the ``RightsHolder`` and ``AuthoritativeMemberNode`` have
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rights to the object, and that the Coordinating Node can manage ``SystemMetadata``
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for the object. An example AccessPolicy that might be submitted with a dataset
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(giving Alice and Bob permission to read and write the object) follows:
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These AccessPolicies can be embedded inside of the ``SystemMetadata`` that accompany
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submission of an object through the `MNStorage.create`_ and `MNStorage.update`_ services,
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or can be set using the `CNAuthorization.setAccessPolicy`_ service.
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.. _SystemMetadata: http://releases.dataone.org/online/d1-architecture-1.0.0/apis/Types.html#Types.AccessPolicy
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.. _AccessPolicy: http://releases.dataone.org/online/d1-architecture-1.0.0/apis/Types.html#Types.AccessPolicy
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.. _MNStorage.create: http://releases.dataone.org/online/d1-architecture-1.0.0/apis/MN_APIs.html#MNStorage.create
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.. _MNStorage.update: http://releases.dataone.org/online/d1-architecture-1.0.0/apis/MN_APIs.html#MNStorage.update
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.. _CNAuthorization.setAccessPolicy: http://releases.dataone.org/online/d1-architecture-1.0.0/apis/CN_APIs.html#CNAuthorization.setAccessPolicy
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Configuration as a replication target
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DataONE is designed to enable a robust preservation environment through replication
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of digital objects at multiple Member Nodes. Any Member Node in DataONE that implements
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the Tier 4 Service interface can offer to act as a target for object replication.
279 |
Currently, Metacat configuration supports turning this replication function on or off.
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When the 'Act as a replication target' checkbox is checked, then Metacat will notify
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the Coordinating Nodes in DataONE that it is available to house replicas of objects
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from other nodes. Shortly thereafter, the Coordinating Nodes may notify Metacat to
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replicate objects from throughout the system, which it will start to do. There objects
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will begin to be listed in the Metacat catalog.
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.. Note::
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Future versions of Metacat will allow finer specification of the Node
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Replication Policy, which determines the set of objects
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that it is willing to replicate, using constraints on object size, total objects,
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source nodes, and object format types.
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Object Replication Policies
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In addition to access control, each object also can have a ``ReplicationPolicy``
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associated with it that determines whether DataONE should attempt to replicate the
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object for failover and backup purposes to other Member Nodes in the federation.
298 |
Both the ``RightsHolder`` and ``AuthoritativeMemberNode`` for an object can set the
299 |
``ReplicationPolicy``, which consists of fields that describe how many replicas
300 |
should be maintained, and any nodes that are preferred for housing those replicas, or
301 |
that should be blocked from housing replicas.
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These ReplicationPolicies can be embedded inside of the ``SystemMetadata`` that accompany
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submission of an object through the `MNStorage.create`_ and `MNStorage.update`_ services,
305 |
or can be set using the `CNReplication.setReplicationPolicy`_ service.
306 |
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.. _CNReplication.setReplicationPolicy: http://releases.dataone.org/online/d1-architecture-1.0.0/apis/CN_APIs.html#CNReplication.setReplicationPolicy
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Generating DataONE System Metadata
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When a Metacat instance becomes a Member Node, System Metadata must be generated for the existing content.
313 |
This can be invoked in the Replication configuration screen of the Metacat administration interface. Initially,
314 |
Metacat instances will only need to generate System Metadata for their local content (the ``localhost`` entry).
315 |
In cases where Metacat has participated in replication with other Metacat servers, it may be useful to generate System Metadata
316 |
for those replica records as well. Please consult both the replication partner's administrator and the DataONE administrators before
317 |
generating System Metadata for replica content.
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.. figure:: images/screenshots/screen-dataone-replication.png
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:align: center
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The replication configuration screen for generating System Metadata.
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Apache configuration details
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These Apache directives are crucial for Metacat to function as a Tier 2+ Member Node
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AllowEncodedSlashes On
332 |
AcceptPathInfo On
333 |
JkOptions +ForwardURICompatUnparsed
334 |
SSLEngine on
335 |
SSLOptions +StrictRequire +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData
336 |
SSLVerifyClient optional
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SSLVerifyDepth 10
338 |
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/<your_server_certificate>
339 |
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/<your_server_key>
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SSLCACertificatePath /etc/ssl/certs/
341 |
342 |
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Where ``<your_server_certificate>`` and ``<your_server_key>`` are the certificate/key pair used by Apache
344 |
to identify the server to clients. The DataONE Certiciate Authority certificate - available from the DataONE administrators -
345 |
will also need to be added to the directory specified by ``SSLCACertificatePath``
346 |
in order to validate client certificates signed by that authority. DataONE has also provided a CA chain file that may be used in lieu of directory-based CA
347 |
confinguration. The `SSLCACertificateFile`` directive should be used when configuring your member node with the DataONE CA chain.
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When these changes have been applied, Apache should be restarted:
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cd /etc/ssl/certs
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sudo c_rehash
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sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
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Configure Tomcat to allow DataONE identifiers
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Edit ``/etc/tomcat/catalina.properties`` to include:
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