


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  src 7592 almost 12 years Jing Tao Print out the solr query result in the xml format.
pom.xml 2.12 KB 7582 almost 12 years ben leinfelder use integration-test ("mvn verify") to test thi...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
7592 04/19/2013 04:37 PM Jing Tao

Print out the solr query result in the xml format.

7591 04/19/2013 01:03 PM ben leinfelder

naive version of SolrServerFactory - no reflection. It returns an EmbeddedSolrServer implementation based on the solr.homeDir set in Settings class.

7590 04/19/2013 12:43 PM ben leinfelder

simplify testing with embedded solr server locations -- no need to copy solr-home or set system properties. Still more to do (factory method) but this is getting cleaner.

7589 04/19/2013 11:38 AM ben leinfelder

add place-holder for using SolrServerFactory to get the correct SOlrServer impl during application init

7588 04/19/2013 11:24 AM ben leinfelder

clean up configuration initialization

7587 04/19/2013 11:15 AM ben leinfelder

clean up logging for hz config file error

7586 04/19/2013 10:25 AM ben leinfelder

rely on Settings loaded from test resources config rather than hardcoding the paths in code.

7585 04/19/2013 09:48 AM ben leinfelder

include test resource bundles to be loaded into Settings configuration during testing.

7584 04/19/2013 09:48 AM ben leinfelder

move hazelcast config file location code into the MetacatIndexServlet init method

7582 04/19/2013 09:01 AM ben leinfelder

use integration-test ("mvn verify") to test things that require Metacat to be running. These classes should end be named "*" and unit tests that do not require metacat to be running can be named "*" -

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