Move the cod which transformed the query response to the inputstream to the metacat-common module.Remove some obsoleted imports.
Move the code to generate the QueryResponseWriter to the metacat-common module. So it can be shared with the metacat-index module.
organize imports
remove extra lines from returned <docid/> block.
Allow use of PID instead of docid in the Perl registry. At least for reading/editing and deleting existing content. Does not create content using a pid.
initialize the SOLR home directory if it does not already exist.
Only after reloading the core, the query result can reflect the change made in metacat-index module.
Fixed a bug to put "OR" correctly in the query. And remove the user "authorized_user" from the rightsholder clause in the query.
Use the set of subjects to replace the user and groups for the solr query.
escape special XML characters when constructing a pathquery from user input (&).
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