


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  java 7786 almost 12 years Jing Tao Add code to handle delete data package informat...
  resources 7697 almost 12 years Jing Tao Use the new class to handle the resource map.
  webapp 7558 almost 12 years ben leinfelder draft for sharing the with t...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
7786 05/31/2013 03:29 PM Jing Tao

Add code to handle delete data package information when delete a pid in the solr index.

7785 05/31/2013 02:05 PM Jing Tao

Add two static methods to get the SystemMetadata and data object InputStream for the specified id.

7783 05/28/2013 05:18 PM Jing Tao

Add code to check if the is available.

7782 05/28/2013 01:21 PM Jing Tao

If solr is not enabled, it would not be running.

7776 05/23/2013 11:57 PM Jing Tao

Use another thread in the Servlet init method to wait hazelcast.

7774 05/23/2013 09:59 PM Jing Tao

Put the waiting mechanism for the hazelcast at the first place.

7771 05/23/2013 06:28 PM Jing Tao

Temporarily remove the code to disable solr engine if it isn't listed in the property file.

7769 05/23/2013 04:27 PM Jing Tao

If the solr engine is disabled, the metacat index will do nothing.

7754 05/22/2013 04:18 PM Jing Tao

set the dataone.hazelcast.location.clientconfig property to be the local config file. It will be used in the d1_cn_index_processor

7748 05/22/2013 11:19 AM Jing Tao

Read the waiting time and maximum attempts from the file.

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