


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  com 71 almost 25 years higgins Catalog files from arbortext added
  edu 795 over 23 years bojilova support for the new terms included in pathquery...
clear.sql 312 Bytes 704 about 24 years berkley added removal of relations
loaddtd.sql 2.37 KB 791 over 23 years berkley added the new software module
loadstylesheets.sql 2.16 KB 724 about 24 years berkley removed download.xsl entry
showdoc.sql 340 Bytes 390 over 24 years Matt Jones Added new utility query to return all of the xm...
sqlcatlist.sql 253 Bytes 123 almost 25 years Matt Jones Modifying storage model to use DOM TEXT nodes
sqldoclist.sql 209 Bytes 531 over 24 years Matt Jones Changed utility query to include the user_owner...
sqlnodeslist.sql 94 Bytes 108 almost 25 years Matt Jones added utility files and queries
sqlnodesview.sql 358 Bytes 166 over 24 years Matt Jones minor modifications to fix problems introduced ...
sqlrevisions.sql 205 Bytes 203 over 24 years Matt Jones Merged in substantial changes to DBWriter and a...
xmlpackage.sql 1.94 KB 439 over 24 years berkley sql file defining the table structure for eml-p...
xmltables-sqlserver.sql 8.63 KB 772 almost 24 years bojilova cleared the COLLATION specifiers on column defi...
xmltables.sql 9.42 KB 759 almost 24 years bojilova several changes were needed related to the chan...
xmltables_postgres.sql 8.49 KB 759 almost 24 years bojilova several changes were needed related to the chan...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
795 07/17/2001 09:20 AM bojilova

support for the new terms included in pathquery.dtd

793 07/16/2001 12:32 PM bojilova
Included utility function about gettig the latest docid for a user:
Metacat parameters:

792 07/13/2001 12:17 PM bojilova

don't need to override the old meta_file_id tags with docid without rev
since Morpho inserts docids before sending the docs to Metacat

791 07/06/2001 01:29 PM berkley

added the new software module

790 07/06/2001 11:58 AM bojilova

added constructor in DocumentImpl for use in DBQuery.findDocuments();
this new constructor is used with getDocumentInfo() to get the doc info only;
because the other constructor builds the whole xml doc which is not needed here and time consuming;
this happens on backtracking only.

789 07/06/2001 11:43 AM berkley

updated script with new eml20 dtds

788 07/05/2001 09:38 AM bojilova

fixed bug - hardcoded LDAP URL

787 07/02/2001 03:06 PM bojilova

made use of the new property for ldaps url;
it is used for secure connection to LDAP server listening on second port 636 by default with SSL sockets;
it is used from Metacat for the authetication process only;
all the rest communications with LDAP server are made on the default port 389 with plain sockets

785 07/02/2001 11:24 AM bojilova

moved delete from xml_relation before delete from xml_documents
because of the parent-child relation b/w these 2 tables

780 06/12/2001 02:56 PM berkley

fixed error with exception handling in metacat servlet and added new dtds to the sql script

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