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* Ecological Metadata Language (EML) - Data set variable descriptors
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* Authors: Matt Jones, Zheng Wang, and Noah Goldstein
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* Organization: National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
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* For Details: http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/
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* Created: 1997 August 19
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* Modified: 1999 June 23
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* Version: 1.4
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* File Info: '$Id$'
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* Ecological Metadata Language is a general purpose metadata content
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* specification for documenting ecological data. The specification
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* consists of a series of modular document type definitions (DTD) that
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* provide metadata content descriptors. It describes the owner and
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* contents of the dataset (eml-dataset.dtd), the research context in
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* which it was created (eml-context.dtd), the structural
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* characteristics of data files (eml-file.dtd), the
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* characteristics of variables in a file (eml-variable.dtd), current
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* status of data and metadata files (eml-status.dtd), access control
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* rules regarding the data and metadata (eml-access.dtd), software
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* information (eml-software) and a variety of miscellaneous
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* supplemental descriptors (eml-supplement.dtd).
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* Files generated under the structural constraints of eml are
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* plain-text files and therefore are editable in ordinary
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* text-processors. However, these DTDs are intended for use within
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* general purpose metadata editors, and within a more specific
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* metadata editor being developed at NCEAS for the ecological
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* community. This metadata editor will provide facilities for
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* version control and efficient metadata entry.
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* The purpose of this specification was to formalize the
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* Michener et al. work in a structured language to examine its
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* application to ecological data in a controlled manner.
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* This specification was based on the work of the Ecological Society
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* of America's Committee on the Future of Long Term Data, and more
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* specifically on a related paper, Michener et al., 1997. See:
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* Michener, William K., et al., 1997. Ecological Appications,
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* "Nongeospatial metadata for the ecological sciences"
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* Vol 7(1). pp. 330-342.
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* Where appropriate, we have used elements of the ISO/TC 211 draft
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* standard - the ISO Geographic information/Geomatics standard,
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* which includes xml code, as well as ISO 8601 schema. Some elements
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* in the ISO/TC 211 were expanded to allow for greater
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* resolution.
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* For an explanation of the classes of metadata and elements defined
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* below, see Michener et al. 1997. In particular, the numbered comment
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* labels found below refer to Table 1 (pp. 336-337) of Michener
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* et al. 1997. In addition, each of the principal elements in the
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* specification is accompanied by a FIXED attribute called "description"
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* that provides a brief description of the content of the element. These
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* descriptions are derived from Michener et al. 1997.
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<!-- * * * *
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* * * *
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<!-- Class 4 B -->
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<!ELEMENT eml-variable (meta_file_id, variable*)>
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<!ATTLIST eml-variable description CDATA #FIXED "Variable description for a file">
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<!ELEMENT meta_file_id (#PCDATA)>
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<!ATTLIST meta_file_id description CDATA #FIXED "Unique identifier of this metadata record">
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<!ELEMENT variable (variable_name, variable_definition, unit?, storage_type?,
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code_definition* , numeric_range* , missing_value_code*,
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precision?, field_format?)>
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<!ATTLIST variable description CDATA #FIXED "Variable information">
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<!ELEMENT unit (#PCDATA) >
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<!ATTLIST unit description CDATA #FIXED "Unit">
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<!-- Class 4.B.1 -->
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<!ELEMENT variable_name (#PCDATA) >
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<!ATTLIST variable_name description CDATA #FIXED "Unique variable name or code">
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<!-- Class 4.B.2 -->
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<!ELEMENT variable_definition (#PCDATA)>
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<!ATTLIST variable_definition description CDATA #FIXED "Precise definition of variables in data set">
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<!-- Class 4.B.3 - see 4.A.2 -->
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<!-- Class 4.B.4.a -->
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<!ELEMENT storage_type (#PCDATA) >
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<!ATTLIST storage_type description CDATA #FIXED "Storage type; Integer, floating point, character, string">
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<!-- Class 4.B.4.b -->
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<!ELEMENT code_definition (code, definition) >
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<!ATTLIST code_definition description CDATA #FIXED "Description of any codes associated with variables">
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<!ELEMENT code (#PCDATA) >
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<!ATTLIST code description CDATA #FIXED "Code">
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<!ELEMENT definition (#PCDATA) >
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<!ATTLIST definition description CDATA #FIXED "List and definition of variable codes">
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<!-- Class 4.B.4.c -->
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<!ELEMENT numeric_range (minimum?,maximum?) >
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<!ATTLIST numeric_range description CDATA #FIXED "Range for numeric values">
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<!ELEMENT minimum (#PCDATA) >
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<!ATTLIST minimum description CDATA #FIXED "Minimum value">
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<!ELEMENT maximum (#PCDATA) >
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<!ATTLIST maximum description CDATA #FIXED "Maximum value">
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<!-- Class 4.B.4.d -->
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<!ELEMENT missing_value_code (#PCDATA) >
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<!ATTLIST missing_value_code description CDATA #FIXED "Character used to represent missing data">
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<!-- Class 4.B.4.e -->
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<!ELEMENT precision (#PCDATA) >
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<!ATTLIST precision description CDATA #FIXED "Precision; number of significant digits">
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<!-- Class 4.B.5 -->
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<!ELEMENT field_format (variable_width|fixed_width)>
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<!ATTLIST field_format description CDATA #FIXED "Data format">
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Data sets are generally classified as fixed_width format or
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variable_width format, but we have determined that this is actually a
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per-field classification because one may encounter fixed_width fields
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mixed together in the same data file with variable_width fields.
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In our encoding scheme, the start of each field is assumed to be the
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column after the last column of the previous field, or the first column
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if this is the first field in the dataset. The end column for each
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field is classified using a field_format and some information specific to
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each field_format type that indicates in which column the field ends. The
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two types of field formats are variable_width and fixed_width.
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Variable_width fields can vary in their field length, and the end of the
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field is delimited by a special character called a field delimiter,
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usually a comma or a tab character. Fixed_width fields have a set
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length, and so the end of the field can always be determined by adding
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the field_width to the starting column number. Here is an example:
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Assume we have the following data in a data set:
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The metadata for the 4 fields would include the following:
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<!ELEMENT variable_width (delimiter+)>
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<!ATTLIST variable_width description CDATA #FIXED "Variable width field">
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<!ELEMENT delimiter (#PCDATA)>
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<!ATTLIST delimiter description CDATA #FIXED "Character used to delimit end of field"><!ELEMENT fixed_width (field_width)>
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<!ATTLIST fixed_width description CDATA #FIXED "Fixed width field">
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<!ELEMENT field_width (#PCDATA)>
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<!ATTLIST field_width description CDATA #FIXED "Width of field in characters">
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<!-- Class 4.B.5.a - see Class 4.B.5 -->
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<!-- Class 4.B.5.b - see Class 4.B.5 -->
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<!-- Class 4.B.5.c -->
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<!-- This section was removed as we were unsure of its usefullness -->
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<!-- End of file -->