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Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the
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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
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For Details: http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 |
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14 |
(at your option) any later version.
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 |
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GNU General Public License for more details.
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21 |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 |
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
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<!-- EML DTD document that defines the structural
26 |
characteristics of every entity in a dataset. -->
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
<!ELEMENT table-entity (identifier+, entityName, entityDescription?,
31 |
temporalCov*, geographicCov*, taxonomicCov*,
32 |
orientation?, caseSensitive?, numberOfRecords?)>
33 |
34 |
<!-- <!ELEMENT other-entity (%EntityBase;, entityType)>
35 |
ELEMENT commented out due to inability of DTD parser to handle multiple root nodes
36 |
37 |
38 |
<!-- fields for EntityBase -->
39 |
<!ELEMENT identifier (#PCDATA)>
40 |
41 |
<!ELEMENT entityName (#PCDATA) >
42 |
<!ELEMENT entityDescription (#PCDATA) >
43 |
44 |
<!-- fields for table-entity -->
45 |
<!ELEMENT orientation EMPTY >
46 |
<!ATTLIST orientation columnorrow (columnmajor|rowmajor) #REQUIRED>
47 |
<!ELEMENT caseSensitive EMPTY >
48 |
<!ATTLIST caseSensitive yesorno (no|yes) #REQUIRED>
49 |
<!ELEMENT numberOfRecords (#PCDATA)>
50 |
51 |
<!-- fields for other-entity
52 |
<!ELEMENT entityType (#PCDATA)>
53 |
54 |
55 |
<!ELEMENT geographicCov (descgeog, bounding, dsgpoly*)>
56 |
<!ELEMENT temporalCov (sngdate | mdattim | rngdates)>
57 |
<!ELEMENT taxonomicCov (keywtax+, taxonsys?, taxongen?, taxoncl)>
58 |
<!ELEMENT begdate (#PCDATA)>
59 |
<!ELEMENT beggeol (geolage)>
60 |
<!ELEMENT begtime (#PCDATA)>
61 |
<!ELEMENT citeinfo (#PCDATA)>
62 |
<!ELEMENT enddate (#PCDATA)>
63 |
<!ELEMENT endgeol (geolage)>
64 |
<!ELEMENT endtime (#PCDATA)>
65 |
<!ELEMENT geolage (geolscal, geolest, geolun?, geolexpl?, geolcit*)>
66 |
<!ELEMENT gring (#PCDATA)>
67 |
<!ELEMENT grngpoin (gringlat, gringlon)>
68 |
<!ELEMENT mdattim (sngdate+)>
69 |
<!ELEMENT rngdates ((begdate, begtime?, enddate, endtime?) | (beggeol, endgeol))>
70 |
<!ELEMENT sngdate ((caldate, time?) | geolage)>
71 |
<!ELEMENT taxoncl (taxonrn?, taxonrv?, common*, taxoncl*)>
72 |
<!ELEMENT descgeog (#PCDATA)>
73 |
<!ELEMENT bounding (westbc, eastbc, northbc, southbc, boundalt?)>
74 |
<!ELEMENT dsgpoly (dsgpolyo, dsgpolyx*)>
75 |
<!ELEMENT geolscal (#PCDATA)>
76 |
<!ELEMENT geolest (#PCDATA)>
77 |
<!ELEMENT geolun (#PCDATA)>
78 |
<!ELEMENT geolexpl (#PCDATA)>
79 |
<!ELEMENT geolcit (citeinfo)>
80 |
<!ELEMENT gringlat (#PCDATA)>
81 |
<!ELEMENT gringlon (#PCDATA)>
82 |
<!ELEMENT caldate (#PCDATA)>
83 |
84 |
<!ELEMENT taxonrn (#PCDATA)>
85 |
<!ELEMENT taxonrv (#PCDATA)>
86 |
<!ELEMENT common (#PCDATA)>
87 |
<!ELEMENT keywtax (taxonkt, taxonkey+)>
88 |
<!ELEMENT taxonsys (classsys+, idref*, ider+, taxonpro, taxoncom?, vouchers*)>
89 |
<!ELEMENT taxongen (#PCDATA)>
90 |
<!ELEMENT westbc (#PCDATA)>
91 |
<!ELEMENT eastbc (#PCDATA)>
92 |
<!ELEMENT northbc (#PCDATA)>
93 |
<!ELEMENT southbc (#PCDATA)>
94 |
<!ELEMENT boundalt (altmin, almax, altunits)>
95 |
<!ELEMENT dsgpolyo (grngpoin+ | gring)>
96 |
<!ELEMENT dsgpolyx (grngpoin+ | gring)>
97 |
<!ELEMENT taxonkt (#PCDATA)>
98 |
<!ELEMENT taxonkey (#PCDATA)>
99 |
<!ELEMENT classsys (classcit, classmod?)>
100 |
<!ELEMENT idref (citeinfo)>
101 |
<!ELEMENT ider (cntinfo)>
102 |
<!ELEMENT taxonpro (#PCDATA)>
103 |
<!ELEMENT taxoncom (#PCDATA)>
104 |
<!ELEMENT vouchers (specimen, reposit)>
105 |
<!ELEMENT altmin (#PCDATA)>
106 |
<!ELEMENT almax (#PCDATA)>
107 |
<!ELEMENT altunits (#PCDATA)>
108 |
<!ELEMENT classcit (citeinfo)>
109 |
<!ELEMENT classmod (#PCDATA)>
110 |
<!ELEMENT cntinfo (#PCDATA)>
111 |
<!ELEMENT specimen (#PCDATA)>
112 |
<!ELEMENT reposit (cntinfo)>
113 |
114 |
<!-- End of file -->