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Revision 8563

Added by Jing Tao about 11 years ago

Use a DN name for the group in the usage message printout.

View differences:

1000 1000
                        "  The hash string usually has $ signs which messes the command line arguments. You should use two SINGLE quotes to wrap the entire hashed string.\n"+
1001 1001
                        "2. The user-distinguish-name must look like \"uid=john,o=something,dc=something,dc=something\" and the group-name must look like \"cn=dev,o=something,dc=something,dc=something\".\n"+
1002 1002
                        "3. if a value of an option has spaces, the value should be enclosed by the double quotes.\n"+
                        "  For example: ./ groupadd -g nceas-dev -d \"Developers at NCEAS\"\n"+
                        "  For example: ./ groupadd -g cn=dev,o=something,dc=something,dc=something -d \"Developers at NCEAS\"\n"+
1004 1004
                        "4. \"-d description\" in groupadd is optional; \"-g groupname -e email-address -s surname -f given-name -o organizationName\" in useradd are optional as well.");
1005 1005
1006 1006

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