


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  src 8693 about 11 years ben leinfelder Do a more thorough check that the characteristi...
pom.xml 4.08 KB 8688 about 11 years ben leinfelder bump the poms to 2.4.2

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
8693 03/03/2014 04:33 PM ben leinfelder

Do a more thorough check that the characteristic annotation was successfully indexed as expected (semtools)

8692 03/03/2014 03:56 PM ben leinfelder

switch to the OpenAnnotation (OA) model for annotating datapackages with measurements/characteristics (semtools)

8691 03/03/2014 03:55 PM ben leinfelder

switch to the OpenAnnotation (OA) model for annotating datapackages with measurements/characteristics (semtools)

8690 03/03/2014 03:54 PM ben leinfelder

switch to the OpenAnnotation (OA) model for annotating datapackages with measurements/characteristics (semtools)

8688 03/03/2014 09:30 AM ben leinfelder

bump the poms to 2.4.2

8648 02/25/2014 04:32 PM ben leinfelder

test that obsoleted objects remain indexed, but are marked as obsoleted.

8603 02/14/2014 11:49 AM ben leinfelder

use rangeOfDates | singleDateTime to populate the beginDate and endDate index fields.

8580 02/07/2014 02:20 PM ben leinfelder

include ID field as a minimum for indexing additional fields.

8554 02/03/2014 02:53 PM ben leinfelder

correctly include stacktrace for error debugging.

8552 02/03/2014 02:51 PM ben leinfelder

return null if there is no existing SolrDoc for the given pid.

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