correct glaring erros -- still needs to be honed, but at least it runs without NPE and Jena/foresite errors
stub for testing ORE augmentation - this generates an ORE, adds a "wasDerivedFrom" triple and saves to Metacat MN for indexing.
adjust tests for production service -- more "real" information shows additional return values from the query.
switch to the production ORCID server for looking up orcid matches for our creators.add test to summarize how many creator matches we can actually find.
simplify lookup for classes and orcid. remove the "random" annotation code branches -- just too confusing to look at those bogus classes especially now that we have "real" generated annotations.
add 'test' for indexing annotations without actually storing the RDF of the generated annotation.
first pass at direct EML->semantic index method. Still produces an RDF model, but does not persist it in Metacat, only in the triplestore. Allows us to re-run without adding stale RDF to the MN store.
switch to use FIleUpload instead of O'Reilly COS library for handling chunked file uploads.
correct the ORE lookup query syntax and add junit assertion to check that it continues to function as expected.
include BioPortal lookup for Entity matches using the data table description. TODO: only associate measurements to the entity observation if they apply.
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