


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  metacat 9278 over 9 years Jing Tao Add more test to test the code to create branch...
  metacatnettest 7402 over 12 years ben leinfelder remove use of HttpMessage (in morpho.jar) in fa...
  metacattest 9261 over 9 years Jing Tao Add some thread sleeping time to make checking ... 30.8 KB 8694 about 11 years Jing Tao Add the pisco account.

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
9278 08/05/2015 04:20 PM Jing Tao

Add more test to test the code to create branch obsolete chain.

9276 08/04/2015 03:54 PM Jing Tao

Add a test method to test the update of the obsoletes and obsoletedBy fields.

9273 07/30/2015 05:33 PM Jing Tao

Add the code to test a MN to call setReplicationStatus successfully.

9267 07/28/2015 04:22 PM Jing Tao

Add the code to test that non-cn session can't call some methods like registerSystemMetadata, updateSystemMetadata and et al.

9266 07/28/2015 03:31 PM Jing Tao

Use the getCNSession to replace the getTestSession which was a actual getCNSession.

9264 07/27/2015 04:21 PM Jing Tao

Add the test to test new rules: cn and other client calling the method on the authoritative node can call the mn.update.

9261 07/24/2015 02:46 PM Jing Tao

Add some thread sleeping time to make checking wait the process.

9260 07/24/2015 11:06 AM Jing Tao

Deleted a unnecessary test class.

9259 07/23/2015 05:14 PM Jing Tao

Make more cap for the testing.

9252 07/15/2015 03:57 PM Jing Tao

Insert a document with different authoritative node id. So we can test querySystemMetadata by more cases.

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