map the metacat log event INSERT, upload and UPLOAD to the dataone log event "create"
set authoritative MN to origin MN if the client did not set it on mn.create.
include metacat context in the redirect after successful harvester registration login.
Use the "order by" to preserve the nodes order in the replication policy.
Use the ServiceFailure to replace the InvalidRequest when it is the read-only mode (CN throws the exception).
In the replicate method, the checking of the read-only mode was moved from MNodeService class to the MNResourceHandler class since it is asynchronized.
The systemmetadataChanged method is asynchronized, so we put the read-only checking on the ResourceHandler class.
Add the code to check if the mn is on the read-only mode.
Add the code to check if the metacat is in the read-only mode.
Add the code to handle the read-only mode.
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