From 06/17/2013 to 07/16/2013
- 10:15 AM Task #6037 (Closed): Implement EML view page
- No nested tables -- divs for all!
- 06:12 PM Bug #6036: Registry submission results in blank page
- Tried the registry form as described in #5951. The form looks great, but when I submit it, all I see is a blank page...
- 06:09 PM Bug #6036 (Works For Me): Registry submission results in blank page
- 06:03 PM Feature #6020: Integrate metacat-ui build with main Metacat build
- We need to open access to the datadepot git repo in order to pull the resources from that project into metacat.
- 06:00 PM Feature #5950 (Closed): Implement data package download
- First version of this is ready in Metacat trunk.
- 05:57 PM Feature #5951 (Closed): Re-style perl data registry to match MetacatUI
- DONE! Please check out the deployed version on:
- 05:35 PM Feature #5951 (In Progress): Re-style perl data registry to match MetacatUI
- First pass on the following is done (only tweaks needed):
-Login form
-Entry form (took the better part of a day)
- 01:10 PM Feature #6032 (In Progress): Add dataset annotations to dataset views
- The current view page is envisioned as an HTML representation of a data set. Adding in RDFa tags using the schema.or...
- 10:54 AM Feature #5950 (In Progress): Implement data package download
- Aside from adding rendered metadata to the package, this is ready for group review.
Outstanding issues that I see:
... - 10:50 AM Feature #6014 (In Progress): Implement publish DOI action
- There are a few outstanding things to be resolved:
* When someone publishes and existing datapackage, their Metacat ... - 10:40 AM Task #6024 (Closed): Wire-up the MN.publish() method to a REST endpoint
- Now included in MNResourceHandler. Note that it defaults to DOI as the identifier scheme.
- 09:48 AM Feature #6019 (Closed): Implement "get view" service as a REST endpoint
- First pass at the service aspect of this is complete. This does not include the actual XSLTs required to return struc...
- 09:47 AM Task #6029 (Rejected): Implement MN.listViews()
- Let's revisit this some other time -- not sure how this would be beneficial to clients. UIs would typically not be dy...
- 09:51 PM Task #6026 (Closed): Implement MN.getPackage()
- 06:10 PM Task #6028 (Closed): Wire-up the MN.view() method to a REST endpoint
- This is done - even i we decide to completely rewrite the transformer in the MN implementation, this part stays the s...
- 04:35 PM Task #6028 (Closed): Wire-up the MN.view() method to a REST endpoint
- After discussion w/cjones, we are targeting:...
- 04:37 PM Task #6029 (Rejected): Implement MN.listViews()
- To match the MN.query() paradigm in which supported queryEngine types can be listed on the MN, we should list support...
- 12:31 PM Task #6027 (Closed): Wire-up the MN.getPackage() method to a REST endpoint
- This is now in trunk.
- 11:45 AM Feature #5950: Implement data package download
- For reference, there is this draft architecture spec:
- 11:09 AM Task #6027 (Closed): Wire-up the MN.getPackage() method to a REST endpoint
- Perhaps:...
- 11:07 AM Task #6026 (Closed): Implement MN.getPackage()
- To return a Bagit zip serialization of the package. Include an entry for each object in the package:
- 10:06 PM Task #6025 (Closed): Include publish DOI in the UI
- There should be a UI option for users when they want to publish an existing package. They need to have update rights ...
- 10:04 PM Task #6024 (Closed): Wire-up the MN.publish() method to a REST endpoint
- What should the endpoint be?
Perhaps:... - 10:00 PM Task #6023 (Closed): Implement a new MN.publish() method
- This publishes an existing object using a DOI.
MN.publish(session, pid); - 07:24 AM Feature #6020 (Closed): Integrate metacat-ui build with main Metacat build
- 07:23 AM Feature #6019 (Closed): Implement "get view" service as a REST endpoint
- 01:05 PM Feature #6018 (Closed): Determine proper URI for EML document display
- 09:25 AM Story #6017 (Closed): Update and deploy EMLParser webapp using new KNB look and feel
- 09:21 AM Story #6016 (Closed): Update and deploy main Morpho page in new KNB site
- 09:18 AM Story #6015 (Closed): Update EML specification pages to use new KNB look and feel
- 05:17 PM Feature #6014 (Closed): Implement publish DOI action
- 04:03 PM Task #5978: Design logo
- This will be a simplified version fo the existing KNB logo - likely with nothing much besides the letters. Rebranding...
- 04:01 PM Story #6013 (New): KNB rebranding
- 04:00 PM Feature #6011 (Resolved): Redesign web-based registry using new look and feel
- dupe of #5951
- 03:54 PM Feature #6011 (Resolved): Redesign web-based registry using new look and feel
- **
- 03:56 PM Bug #6012 (Closed): Ensure all UTF-8 characters display correctly in query results
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