



From 08/28/2013 to 09/26/2013


04:02 PM Bug #6103 (New): Sort by Identifier sorts capitalized letters separately from undercase letters
Lauren Walker
02:52 PM Feature #5949 (In Progress): Implement advanced search filters in sidebar
Created a Search model to hold all the current filter terms, most attributes are arrays to allow for multiple filters... Lauren Walker


02:13 PM Task #6072 (Feedback): Design advanced search features
Added a PDF to the design directory of the datadepot project with all these changes incorporated. Lauren Walker
12:03 PM Feature #6093 (Closed): Add the Log In link to the navigation in the GulfWatch theme
Walker Lauren wrote:
> Added the Sign In link back to the navigation bar.
Lauren Walker
12:02 PM Feature #6093: Add the Log In link to the navigation in the GulfWatch theme
Added the Sign In link back to the navigation bar. Lauren Walker


09:13 AM Feature #6097 (In Progress): Add photography attribution to About page
All the credits have been added, most of them linking to the morguefile profiles for the each respective photographer... Lauren Walker


03:52 PM Task #6072: Design advanced search features
Change "Refine" to "Filter"
Take away the "Featured data" browse option
Move the 'Most recent' and 'Most accessed' ...
Lauren Walker
03:49 PM Feature #6097 (Closed): Add photography attribution to About page
Lauren Walker


09:20 AM Bug #6071 (Closed): Scroll to anchorId hidden by the fixed KNB header
I changed the markup in the EML documentation so that it will work with the fixed KNB header - just moved the empty a... Lauren Walker


03:13 PM Task #6072 (In Progress): Design advanced search features
Need to add a "Clear" button to clear all filters Lauren Walker
10:38 AM Feature #6093 (Closed): Add the Log In link to the navigation in the GulfWatch theme
Sarah Clark asked where it was which prompted me to think it's not very intuitive to just have the login link availab... Lauren Walker


02:20 PM Task #6078 (Closed): Include Metacat documentation using the #external view
Each MetacatUI theme CSS file now has styling specifically for the documentation, by selecting elements only in the w... Lauren Walker
11:15 AM Bug #6091 (Closed): Scroll to anchor in external view is scrolling too high when viewing the metacat docs
The view needs to load in the images first before it scrolls to the anchor, or the offset().top is off by the total n... Lauren Walker
11:02 AM Bug #6091 (Closed): Scroll to anchor in external view is scrolling too high when viewing the metacat docs
The jQuery offset().top seems to be getting an 'incorrect' value Lauren Walker


02:55 PM Task #6078 (In Progress): Include Metacat documentation using the #external view
Lauren Walker
02:42 PM Bug #6071 (In Progress): Scroll to anchorId hidden by the fixed KNB header
I rearranged it to be "simpler" by moving the "top" property into a[name]. Unfortunately this shifts content around i... ben leinfelder
10:01 AM Task #6090 (Resolved): Handle paging with search filters applied
When paging through results we want the search filter to still apply, but perhaps we want to use the back button to r... ben leinfelder
09:59 AM Bug #6055 (Closed): Pressing back button in browser does not go back to previous search results page.
Works for the time being - will be updated when more advanced search options are included ben leinfelder


03:38 PM Feature #6070 (Closed): Add "latest version" pointer when rendering metadata that is obsoletedBy a newer version
Now showing a warning/info banner at the top of the metadata page indicating that there is a newer version (link poin... ben leinfelder


11:43 AM Feature #6073 (Closed): Show "has data" icon (files? folder?) in search results when there is data associated with the metadata record
I included a folder icon in the resultsItem template with a tooltip hover-over in the DataCatalogView. Is working in ... Lauren Walker
09:52 AM Task #6025 (Closed): Include publish DOI in the UI
Lauren Walker
09:52 AM Bug #6071 (Closed): Scroll to anchorId hidden by the fixed KNB header
I vertically offset the anchors by the same height as the header so that they scroll to the correct place. Lauren Walker


04:37 PM Task #6072 (Feedback): Design advanced search features
I added a couple advanced search design files to the design directory of datadepot.git that are ready for review Lauren Walker


12:32 PM Task #6074 (Closed): Tweak Oswald font spacing
Changed the font and line-height for better clarity Lauren Walker
10:00 AM Task #6074 (Closed): Tweak Oswald font spacing
ben leinfelder
12:30 PM Task #6076 (In Progress): Rearrange footer logos
I rearranged the logos but I will wait to see if LeAnne decides on a new NCEAS logo in the next 1-2 weeks until I clo... Lauren Walker
10:07 AM Task #6076 (Closed): Rearrange footer logos
DataONE logo should be smaller/less bright in relation to the NCEAS logo and Metacat logo. ben leinfelder
10:17 AM Task #6078 (Closed): Include Metacat documentation using the #external view
This will generally be pulled from:
ben leinfelder
09:58 AM Feature #6073: Show "has data" icon (files? folder?) in search results when there is data associated with the metadata record
We already change the button in the search results when there is a datapackage (resourceMap) for the record so includ... ben leinfelder
09:56 AM Feature #6073 (Closed): Show "has data" icon (files? folder?) in search results when there is data associated with the metadata record
ben leinfelder
09:58 AM Feature #5956 (Resolved): Design and implement graphical look and feel for Gulfwatch skin
Lauren Walker
09:55 AM Task #6072 (Closed): Design advanced search features
To start with, we will design the UI for the following advanced search options:
- date range
- author
- search ter...
Lauren Walker
09:48 AM Bug #6071 (Closed): Scroll to anchorId hidden by the fixed KNB header
At one point the CSS correctly included padding for the anchors that get scrolled to, but it looks like the problem c... ben leinfelder
09:45 AM Feature #6070 (Closed): Add "latest version" pointer when rendering metadata that is obsoletedBy a newer version
Based on tickets like this where people want to cite an identifier (DOI) but be able to change the package and easily... ben leinfelder


11:28 AM Feature #5957 (Feedback): Design and implement graphical look and feel for default skin
Added an idea for the design in the omnigraffle file for feedback Lauren Walker


04:57 PM Task #6025: Include publish DOI in the UI
Changed the buttons to be stacked on the right side of the page. Publish with DOI button now has a popover that expla... Lauren Walker
11:35 AM Task #6025 (Feedback): Include publish DOI in the UI
I moved the Publish DOI button into the well with the Download button in the Metadata view. Changed some general aest... Lauren Walker
01:08 PM Support #6060 (Resolved): Test cross-browser compatibility for IE, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome and add HTML5 fallbacks for older browser version
Lauren Walker
11:36 AM Bug #6058 (Resolved): Variable name on catalog view is cut off after certain length
Gave the variable name word wrap and ellipsis cut off. Lauren Walker

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